Chapter Two - Elsa

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Elsa sat by her door as she trembled in fear, she had been in the study when she had felt it. she had seen the frost start to appear on the windows and the desk and she rushed to her room worried in case anyone would see her. She tried working as much as possible, so no one saw her, and she tried to make sure none of the servants knew she was around.

She watched as the ice from the palm of her hands shoot up and spread on the walls and she couldn't help but feel ashamed she remembered the words her father would say to her " Conceal don't feel" and she tried to but the more she thought about it she feared in case the council or the servants would see what a monster she was and most of all she worried in case anyone knew her other secret.

She jumped a little hearing the servant knock on the door for her to come and greet the visitors she had been wanting to make an alliance with but she couldn't she was worried in case she couldn't control her powers in front of them, she had barley just made it when she had became queen she told the council she hadn't wanted anyone to see her and had asked for a private coronation. When she heard a knock again which led to her younger sister knocking later on simply because she hadn't come and eaten, she felt a bit of panic.

Elsa wanted nothing more than to step out of her room and finally get to spend time with her loved ones and of course she knew the risk, but she was sick of feeling trapped she was sick of being afraid if only there was a way to stop the fear, she felt within her sucking her up and making her feel useless. She wished she could tell her sister everything and how she had always wanted to tell her that she did want to build a snowman outside and how she wanted to ride a bike around the halls with her. She wanted to hug her so tight and never let go but she was scared in case if she did tell her everything, and bring the walls down finally  but would she hate her? and think she was a monster?.

It wasn't until the night fell to darkness that she stirred in her bed tossing and turning in her sleep as the nightmare she dreamt of worried her.

It was cold and dark, and Elsa walked through the halls of the castle desperately trying to find her sister as she wanted to tell her something, but she could feel the ice in her fingertips trying to break free and she griped her hands tightly into a fist trying not to let it get to her. Suddenly she opened the door to her sisters' room only to hear sobbing from the corner, she walked towards it and found Anna crying into a ball. Anna looked up towards her and started yelling at her.

"Look what you did!" she shouted.

She didn't understand what Anna was going on about until she saw the ice spread on the floor, she turned around to see two frozen statuses of their parents who looked terrified. She felt her tears fall down her cheeks and looked down at her hands only to see the ice steaming from her hands. She fell to the floor with a cry and Anna ran towards their parents crying into their frozen statues.

Anna" You're a monster! You're a monster!" she kept repeating.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to Anna please I'm sorry" she cried again.

Anna" Take her away from here! I never want to see her again!" she shouted towards the two men that had just arrived through the doors.

They picked her up by her arms dragging her across the floor, she tried to break free, but it was no use.

"Anna please don't do this!" she shouted towards her sister.

The men dragged her out the castle and all there she could see was darkness form around her. The black dust hurt her eyes that it made them sting like razor blades it wasn't until she saw the black dust swirl around a tornado, that it made her think and then she knew it was him again...

She jolted up in bed gasping for air, she looked around seeing the frozen icicles shoot up from the ground. She trembled knowing that he was in her nightmares again, her feet dangled from the bed as she stumbles out falling to the ground her tears escape from her eyes and fall with a sudden tap they freeze falling to the cold hard frozen floor. She slowly attempted to get up from the floor and with a result her hands shook from the fear. She turned the handle of her door and with a click it opened, she quickly ran down the halls as her nightgown hovered above the ground and she came to sudden stop when she reached a door. She opened it and slipped inside without anyone noticing, she walked over to the shelves filled with books and pulled one out. The only thing that could keep her mind off from her worries were the endless tales of how heroes fought villains and won to tell the tale. There was one in particular that took her interest of how a young boy joined a group called the guardians, he wore a blue hoodie and carried a stick which for none not even Elsa knew why. Maybe in her heart that's why she wanted to make the Alliance with the group in the first place although she had heard the tales even long before being locked in her room, her mother used to tell endless tales of different worlds and lands full of characters that helped children and had powers that the moon had granted them. Of course she had always thought her mother had made these stories up until she grew older and found herself in the library with a book that resembled them exactly.... Well apart from one which she had just traced her hand over. Something about the young boy's appearance took her interest the white blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that made her think of her own. What was his story? And why hadn't she come across him before? 

She had longed for someone to help her and to tell her why she was born with these powers but how could anyone want to be near her Afterall she was monster and that's all he ever told her......

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