Chapter Fifty Five- Do It All Again

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The young Queen stood calmly in the library as her hand grazed over the book shelve with curiosity and as she pulled out the book her mother had read to her as a child the Guardians the memories of last time stuck her mind. Jack with his hood up and his hands in his pockets as he waited for her to decide whether she wanted to marry the Prince or not. And when she had pulled him in by the hoodie and kissing him suddenly Jack had been mixed with emotions all over leaving him sad and unable to even decide what she was going to do about the whole thing and now here she was in the library as her hand ran over the printed book, she heard the door open behind her. She turned around to see her darling boyfriend leaning on the door frame as he held his staff in his hands smiling brightly back at her.

Jack "We really need to stop meeting like this." He flirted.

Elsa shook her head at his comment smiling placing the book back in its original place, she walked over to Jack who was still looking at her happily. Intwining her fingers with his she pulled herself closer kissing him passionately. Jack pulled away kissing her cheek softly.

Jack "What are you doing in here anyways?" he asked.

Elsa "I was just looking around and I took a break from paperwork." She said.

Jack "You should be taking a break; you work too hard and plus Anna and Kristoff aren't here you should be able to take some time off." He replied.

Elsa "I wish it was simple as that but, just because there gone doesn't mean my work being Queen is done. I have a lot of responsibilities" she snapped a little.

Jacks eyes widened he knew that she was Queen, and he hadn't meant to offend her in any way but, he suddenly felt like there much more to this than there was. Jack pulled away from her hand unknowingly how to handle the situation, she hadn't snapped at him before.

Jack "Snowflake I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I know how hard you work every day and I know you have responsibilities I was just saying you deserve a break now and then and with Anna being gone I thought it would be a great time to spend more time together."

Elsa "You know how hard the council are on my back if I slack in any form they'll try and say I don't work hard enough for my kingdom." She said with frown.

Jack "Screw what the council thinks".

Elsa "You know I cant do that."

Jack "We both know this is about what Felix thinks and not the others."

Elsa "Then why can't you accept that?" she asked.

Jack "I didn't think spending time with girlfriend would be such a crime." He said backing away from her and out the doorway.

Elsa "Jack, no I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come across that way." She said taking a step towards him feeling guilty.

Jack "No... it fine.... You've made your decision" he walked off hands in his pockets.

Elsa "Jack wait!" she yelled but it was too late he was already gone.

Elsa stood there shaking her head at herself wondering why she had suddenly snapped at the one person who made her day amazing and somehow the pit in her stomach started to grow. The guilt that flooded her mind when she thought of the way he looked while she yelled at him, being Queen was lot of pressure and sometimes Elsa felt like no one understand what that was like. As much as Elsa knew Jack was there for her, he wasn't used to the royal customs that she had grown up with. She thought about it for a while until she realised that she should go after him and apologies she had been the one in the wrong. Her heeled feet hit the wooden floorboards as she began to search for her boyfriend, it wasn't until she peered into of one the rooms, she thought was empty that she saw the council members gathered around the table she backed away a little. However, she peered in again hearing the voice bicker against one another.

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