Chapter Ninety- Engagement

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Elsa could the bickering of people coming from inside the door double in front of her. And as she heard her heart thumping against her chest loudly, she felt her hand becoming warm from being intwined with Jacks hand. Jack smiled happily at her as he glanced at her with his blue orbs shining back at her in the light that was casting off the lit-up hallways. She felt nervous as he turned the door handle and as they walked into the room seeing the faces of the people she loved. It was a shame that her cousin had to leave so quickly but, she understood with Cassandra contacting them to come back she knew it must be urgent.

Anna jumped up from her seat and strides across the room with a grin on her face. Her long green dress hovering above the floor as she finally reached her big sister.

Anna "So did she say yes?" She grinned at Jack who was furiously blushing.

Jack "Yes she did." He smiled his other hand scratching the back of his neck.

Anna "Omg finally! I've been waiting for my whole life for this moment!" She said jumping for joy.

Elsa "Oh, have you?" She chuckled.

Anna "Yea! It's not everyday that my sister is going to get married!"

Elsa "What would you have done if I said no".

Anna "We both know you and Jack are meant to be" she smiles bating her eyelashes together.

Elsa "Oh is that so?" She blushes.

Anna "Yes now stop acting like you don't know you are!" She exclaimed.

Elsa "Anna I'm just teasing of course I know that." She blushes again.

Elsa felt the arm around her gently squeeze her hip, she looked up catching the glint of happiness in his eyes as he stared back at her with his daydreamy whirlpools. She slightly pressed against his shoulder brushing hers against his dark blue hoodie, and once she flashed a white smile back at him as she thought how getting married to him was becoming so real, it made her heart thump at the thought of seeing him standing at the end of the alter patiently waiting for her to approach. She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts once she heard the voice of her sister again.

Anna "Oh god get a room you two!" she chuckled.

The two lovebirds stood blushing madly at her comment feeling their stomach swirls with the butterflies that fluttered around. The young Queen broke her gaze as she watched her sister as she picked up her son that was making sweet little baby noises, his little feet wrapped around her waist holding on and placing his head into his mother's chest. She saw Kristoff getting up from the chair as he smiled walking further towards them both as he caught Jacks stare.

Kristoff "Congratulations you to. And Jack welcome to the family." He chuckled.

Anna "Oh we both know that he was planning to propose for a while now." She smiled.

Kristoff "Yes but that was supposed to be a secret." He wrapped an arm around his wife waist peering down at his son who chuckled lightly at seeing his father being affectionate.

Jack "Relax guys its fine, I told Elsa that I'd been planning this for a while. And besides I kind of already asked her just not officially." He shrugged.

Anna "Hang on a moment! When did you do that?" she yelled excitedly.

Jack "When she came back, and we talked on the balcony."

Anna "And what did she say?" she asked.

Jack "She said yes."

Anna "So telling me that you've both been technically engaged this whole time?!"

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