Chapter Thirty- Beware A Frozen Heart

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Elsa's feet carried her as fast as they could running away from the castle and the guards who were chasing after her. Her heart raced like horse on its tracks, and she panted from how fast she'd been running. She stopped looking around her only to see the white cloud of snow around her falling fast. As she continues to look around her trying to find an escape route as she saw a figure stepping closer towards her. Hans appeared out of the snow grinning as he caught up to her.

Hans "Elsa you can run from this!" he yelled.

Elsa "Just leave me alone!"

Hans "You know you deserve this! You killed your own sister! You're a monster!"

Elsa felt her heart drop realising she hadn't taken in the part where she'd killed her own sister, how could she be such a monster? Maybe she did deserve what was coming.... she fell to the floor grasping her hands to her chest. She sobbed crying aloud from the pain she'd caused everyone, the one person she had wanted to know her entire life was now gone because of her. Suddenly the blizzard around then stood still as the grief of her sister washed over her like a thousand knifes in her heart.... Elsa was distracted with her hands holding her head thinking of how she could possibly done a thing?

Hans touched his belt taking the long Sharp sword as he swung it in the air behind the young Queen who was still in her own world to notice what was happening. It wasn't until she heard the loud voice behind her that she turned around, Hans flying across the ground from the impact of magic force.

Anna "Noooooo!" she said freezing solid as she takes her last breath.

Elsa "Anna!" she said getting up from the snowy ground.

She rushed over touching Anna's frozen face, sobbing as she sees what she's done to her sister. She throws her arms around Anna hugging her tightly while she continues to cry.

Kristoff and Olaf run over as fast as they can, reaching the place to find Elsa sobbing into Anna's frozen body. His heart begins to break feeling the tears in his eyes start to form. While everyone morns Anna the princess of Arendelle her body starts to unfreeze. As she comes back to life her body moves and Elsa removes herself taking her sisters hands into hers.

Elsa "Anna?" she still sobs.

Anna "Elsa." she smiles.

Elsa "You sacrificed yourself for me?" she says.

Anna "I love you".

Olaf stands next to Kristoff feeling happy until he realises something he didn't before.

Olaf "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart!" he jumps up and down.

Elsa "Love will thaw...Of course" she looks down to her hands pulling away from her sister.

Anna "Elsa?" she questions.

Elsa "Love"

Elsa raises her arms and suddenly the ice on the fjord starts to melt, beneath their feet the bow of a ship thaws and rises as they stand on it, the snow and ice across the kingdom melts bringing back the warm summer; to Elsa.

Anna "I know you could do it!" she smiled again.

Olaf "Hands down, this is the best day of my life...and quite possibly the last." he said melting fast.

Elsa "Olaf hang on little guy" she waves her hand to make him back to normal.

As Hans regains consciousness from the force that pulled him away quickly, Kristoff prepares to go over to fight him, but Anna stops him, she walks over to Hans, and he looks at her in confusion.

Hans "Anna? But she froze your heart?" he said.

Anna "The only frozen heart around here is yours" she turns from him but then suddenly turns back and punches him in the face making him fall overboard into the water, Elsa comes over to Anna and they hug each other, over her shoulder, Anna looks at Kristoff smiling.

Elsa "return this scoundrel to his country. We shall see what his twelve big brothers think of his behaviour." She says seriously.

After returning to the castle Anna had changed out of her winter clothes and into a green dress which had the Arendelle crests on them at the bottom of the dark green skirt, her lighter green corset was on top with a blue undershirt underneath. Her hair was in their normal two French braids as she ran towards Kristoff in the courtyard happily.

Anna "Come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on. Come on!" she said pulling him towards the present she was hiding underneath the sheet.

She pulls Kristoff further towards the present as she whips the sheet off and reveals a brand-new sled.

Anna "I owe you a sled remember?"

Kristoff "Are you serious?" he says in shock.

Anna "Yes! And it's the latest model." Sven poses in front of the sled.

Kristoff "No. I-I can't accept this."

Anna "You have to! No returns. No exchanges. Queen's orders. She's named you the official Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer." Sven shows off the medal around his neck.

Kristoff "What? That's not even a thing."

Anna "Oh, sure it is. And it even has a cup holder. Do you like it?" she asks.

Kristoff "Like it? I love it!" he says suddenly he sweeps Anna off her feet and spins her around. He places her back on the ground as he puts his hand on her cheek and kisses her.

After pulling away from the kiss Anna smiles back at her boyfriend cherishing the moment with him as he smiles back at her.

Kristoff "Did you let Jack out?" he asked her.

Anna "Yeah, I did that straight away, I don't even think Elsa knew he had been thrown in a cell".

Kristoff "What are we going to do about Felix?"

Anna "Oh don't you worry me, and Elsa will dealwith Felix".

The Queens SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora