Chapter Seventy-Nine- Bad Timing

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Anna franticly paced back and forth in the drawing room where he husband cradled their son in his arms while he watched his wife in anticipation of what she was going to do about the situation, if it hadn't been for The Guardians and some of the guards the noticed the two strangers enter the castle without anyone noticing she wouldn't have been able to sweep people away quickly from harm. She had place two of the guards to secretly sneak around the hallways uncovering what might have happened and most importantly where the Queen and Jack had gotten too.

Kristoff "Anna will you please sit down? Your pacing is making me feel more worried by the second!"

Anna "I can't help it! My sister is out there somewhere and frankly I don't want to watch her die again! Do you?" she exclaimed.

Kristoff "Well obviously not my love. But we need to come up with some sort of plan to get to them."

North "Kristoff's right, you need to take a break from worrying, and of course we don't want anything to happen to them both but, we do need a plan." He said folding his tattooed arms.

Anna "We don't even know who's in the castle for god's sake!" she stood for a second folding her arms and sulking a little.

North placed his hand onto her shoulder as he comforts her staring at his wonderous eyes staring back at her. He was worried yes but, they had no idea what they were going to face once they found the invaders in the castle.

North "Princess, we'll do our best to try and find out who's looming here. For now, what would like to do?" he asked.

Anna looked up at North again, nodding her head as she turned to Kristoff who still had their son in his arms cuddling him closer while he made sweet baby noises.

Anna "We need to somehow distract whoever it is so we can find Elsa and Jack their bought to be together somewhere whether it's with the people that have stormed this place or if there hiding."

Kristoff "Then let's get to work." He nodded at his wife.

Elsa and Jack laid beside each other on the wooden ground, their hands intwined with each other's as they heard the whispers around the room. Jack couldn't help but just stare at his girlfriend wondering and hoping that this wouldn't be the last moment he'd lay his eyes upon her beauty. His heart pounded against every fibre in his body as he tried to figure some sort of plan that they could escape without being hurt.

Elsa "Hey Jack, it's going to be okay." She whispered.

Jack "And how do you know that?" he asked his voice in a hush tone.

Hans "Hey! You two enough with the chatting!" he yelled storming back towards them both with sword in hand.

Gothel "Why don't we just kill them now and get it over and done with?" she asked.

Hans "Because we need to lure the others here for the trap!"

Gothel "You know that's not what he would have done" she rolled her eyes.

Hans "Well too bad he's not here then!!" he said angrily.

Gothel "Don't yell at me darling!"

Hans "Then stop telling me what to do!"

Gothel "Then get on with the stupid plan!" she argued.

Jack "Oh my god! Will you two just shut up! Either kill us or not!" he yelled back at them.

Hans stared at the young guardian his face turning bright red from embarrassed and being angry, he stormed closer towards the two laid on the ground as he picked the white-haired man from the scruff of his hoodie and teeth blaring at him.

Hans "WHAT.DID.YOU.JUST.SAY." he snapped.

Jack "Will you just kill me already? It's enough torture watching you act like a married couple."

Gothel "He's not my type darling." She glanced down at her nails.

Hans "Too old for me."

Gothel stormed over her long black cape trailing behind her as she smacked Hans hands down, Jack fell to the floor with a thud as he groaned. Hans eyes widened as he felt the hands of Mother Gothel tightened around her grip.

Gothel "Call me old again and I'll kill you." she glared.

Hans "Okay sorry." He removed himself.

Hans ran his hands over his black clothing patting it down and turning hi cape back to where it should be while Mother Gothel slowly knelt to the ground grasping a knife in one of her hands and twirling it around.

Gothel "And you! if you don't keep your mouth shut I'll kill your little Queen right in front of you, and it wouldn't be the first time you've watched her die from what I've heard."

Jack gulped feeling his throat suddenly go dry, he could feel his palms turning from cold to warm as he felt the sweat begging to form. Elsa stayed silent daring to say a word until she was asked to speak, and when her eyes met Jacks she could see the sadness growing by the minute. She never wanted to see Jack go through the pain of losing her again and she never wanted to watch losing him. Mother Gothel's eyes laid eyes on the Queen as she smirked towards her.

Hans "You know it's a shame that I didn't kill you sooner rather than later your majesty. But then again I didn't get to witness the pure heartbreak of your lover here." He chuckled.

Elsa "Where is my sister?" she asked finally speaking.

Hans "Oh your sister? I have no idea, its actually why I want to find her before she finds us. Afterall I have to repay her for the punch she threw at me." He smiled.

Elsa "I swear if you touch my sister I'll..." she getting cut off.

Hans "You'll what? Be the monster that Pitch always said you were?" he questioned earning silence in return.

Anna held James closely in her arms rocking him gently as he fell asleep to the sound of her mother's lullaby. Kristoff stood beside North and the other Guardians deep in discussion of what their plans were to attack, his hand ran through his dirty blonde hair as he felt the nerves pulse through his body and the more he thought about putting the mother of his child in danger he felt his heart race even more. The fact that James was here surrounded without anyone in sight to whisk him away from the danger made Anna's stomach churn. It felt like an eternity since she'd last seen her sister and it made her worry of what horrors she could be getting herself into considering the last time they'd gotten into a battel Elsa had died on them. As much as Elsa was a true hero for finally destroying the enemy Pitch Black, she never wanted her sister to feel like she had to save everyone all the time and right now all she wanted was her sister to be safe. She knew Jack would do anything he could to help, and she hoped that he was indeed with her to keep her from harm.......

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