Chapter Thirty Three- Into The Unknown

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It was dark and it was cold, the silence muted everything around it. The footsteps of the young Queen trailed her down the dark and empty hallway, the pitch black surrounding her caused her vision to make her hear things as she heard the laughter in her mind once again. Halting to a stop the slam of a door from behind shot through her body causing her to jump on the spot. Her heart pounding as it slammed against her chest, she gasped silently as her throat went dry from the sense of terror in her mind. The chackling echoed as she quickly turned around to see no one there, her heart on her sleeve as she slowly walked down the dark and dungy hallway. Her bare feet cold from the wooden flooring tiptoeing making less noise as they could. She could feel the presence of someone around her waiting for them to jump out and attack her, but as she continued down her mind fought against her heart to run away. As she searches in the darkness for any sign of live the intense sound of another door slamming shut beside her, startled at the sudden sound she decides to go into one of the rooms. Peering inside as the darkness around her stayed still, her heart still pounding loudly as if it were going to explode. She fought hard to push back the tears that pricked behind her eyes as the anticipation of what was in the darkness sent a chill down her spine. The rattling of the open window made her stand still looking around herself as she tried to see the through the dark once again, and as a hand shot around her throat and pinned her to one of the walls, she could feel the sense of pain wash over her as she tried to gasp for air. Her eyes glared at the first sight of someone in front of her until she saw the brightness of blue in his orbs with the small light pouring into the room from moonlight. She struggled as she fought from his grip but, his fingertips squeezed tighter, she could see starts around her as she tried to breathe through it. She closed her pink lids as they flickered from the pain. And as she opened her eyes to see Jacks blue ones turn to red, the wide grin on his face turned from soft to evil. His white turning from white, blonde to dark black, as she choked out the words of what she manged to say her heart raced time while the person she loved stood with his hands wrapped around her neck for an unknown reason.

Elsa "J...Jack? What.... what are you.... doing?" she chocked.

Jack "Isn't it obviously? I'm going to kill you, it's what I should have done from the start" he snarled.

Elsa "I thought.... you loved me?" she frowned a tears forming from her tear ducts.

Jack" Love you? I hate you!" he chuckled.

Pitch "Now, now my friend, our guest doesn't know what she's in for." He says appears from black smoke swirling around in the air.

Jack whips his head around to see his friend Pitch Black, he smirks as his tall dark friend hands him a Sharp knife formed from a gold handle with embroidery on it. Turning back around to face the young Queen who still struggles for air. Her eyes widened feeling the stabbing pain come as a shock spreading through her body as it takes over, Jack smiles as she slides down the wall as he lets her go from his grip. She looks up seeing the light from Jacks eyes gone without a trace as she manages to choke out some words he chuckles.

Elsa "Why?"

Jack "Because you're a monster and you always will be." He grins kneeling beside as he takes the knife from her side where its impaled into her.

He chuckles seeing her groan in pain, he sees the blood dripping from the knife as the droplets fall to the floor leaving the puddle on the ground. He glances back up at the queen holding onto her side and as he stabs her again when she tries to speak but she slums back to the wall her eyes closing as she takes her last breath....

Elsa shot up in bed clinging onto her chest as she felt the pitter of it beating like a drum as if it were in her throat, the sweat rolled of her forehead as she looked around the darkness of the night in her room. A hand shot on her shoulder beside her, she turned her head to face Jack who had been sleeping next to her until he'd felt her waken.

Jack "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

Elsa " was just a nightmare."

Jack "Awe come here" he said wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer towards him.

Elsa rested her head in the crook of his neck, as he gently lent on her head while she calmed her breathing down. But wasn't until something was pulling her to the door that she started to pull away from Jack. Jack tugged on her hand pulling her back; he had a feeling something wasn't quite right.

Jack "Elsa don't!" he said trying to pull her back as she removed herself from the bed.

Her bare feet touching the wooden floor as it creaked, her body moved slowly towards the door flinching backwards when she saw a figure in the darkness underneath the door. Her hand placed on the handle as she twisted it open.

Jack "Don't open the door!" he yelled.

Elsa opened the door peering inside as she took a step forward her nightgown trailing behind her, and as she looked around her the door shut. She banged on the door with no hesitation yelling as she did to Jack for him to open the door. she heard the small footsteps behind her making her turn around. She clenched her chest as the piercing scream left her lips. She felt the liquid of warm blood on her hands trickle down her white nightgown, she fell to the floor as she looked up at the dark figure before her. The red orbs of a dark-haired man started down at her as he chuckled evilly. He knelt beside her touching her hand that laid on her chest from the dagger, he ripped the blade from her skin, and she screamed feeling the intense pain coursing through her body......and then everything went dark....

"Goodbye your Majesty"

The Queens Secretजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें