Chapter Fifteen-Sudden Rush

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Jack stood with the coated redness of his cheeks, Anna still holding her stomach from the endless laughter that had taken over, and Elsa stood there unknowing what to say a sudden rush of butterflies landed in her tummy swirling around as the thought of Anna words left her mind. Jack rubbed the back of his neck in nervousness, he gulped loudly unknowing what to say. His eyes glimmered in the light as they caught Elsa's snowflake orbs seeing the redness in her cheeks he smiled. Every time he was near or with her the sense of home washed over him like there was no tomorrow and he didn't quiet understand what this feeling was. Why did he feel this way after meeting the Queen? and what did Anna mean by what she said? She clearly couldn't be talking about the fact that he should marry her sister? I mean he wasn't a prince or duke and its not like they had even shared a moment between them like that. Even though the thought of Elsa marrying another man brought him to anger for some particular reason, he couldn't quite place his finger on why.

Anna "I'm sorry I shouldn't tease; it's just you've got to admit there's something going on between you two" she smiled as she chuckled.

Elsa went silent not knowing what to really say to the comment, she twiddled the ring on her finger again waiting for the subject to somehow change without her blushing, but for some reason Jack's eyes burning into hers told another story. Anna however stopped giggling seeing the two standing and looking at one another.

Anna "Oh come on, you can't tell me you haven't noticed it as well? I mean it's not even been a week and I can tell you two have chemistry together" she said folding her arms across her chest.

Jack "I ermmm...haven't thought about it" he lied breaking the silence.

Anna "Seriously? You could feel it without even questioning it."

Elsa blushed at the fact Anna kept asking them both questions about their relationship between one another, and if she was being honest Anna was right, she hadn't wanted to admit it but, ever since she met Jack, she had this feeling of how safe she felt with him. whether it was because of their shared secret of their powers or not, she couldn't deny the connection she felt towards him. The way their eyes would meet together and gaze with no hesitation, the way her hands would feel when he touched hers the electricity that shot between them through their bodies. And she couldn't refuse that she felt attracted towards him but, she had to face the truth she was a Queen even if she did have a little crush on the guardian, she wasn't allowed to do anything to suggest at starting a relationship with him and she had to be real she'd known him for a few days she didn't even know him! And it if the council ever found out she liked someone who wasn't royalty they wouldn't like it, not that she had ever had a problem with other people not being royal she saw everyone as equals.

It wasn't until that someone knocked on the door again that Elsa snapped out of her deep thoughts, and as Anna opened the door jumping up and down excitedly seeing Kristoff.

Anna "Kristoff your back" she said sweetly hugging him tightly.

Kristoff "As promised, are you ready to go?"

Anna "Oh yes! Sorry I forgot but, yes, I'm ready let's go" she smiled taking his hand.

Elsa smiled at Kristoff waving them off as they walked out the door hand in hand. Jack hovered in the corner as he watched the two lovebirds walk out the door, leaving him and Elsa in awkward silence. As he turned to face her, he felt his face grow hot, the blushing spreading across his face again. Their eyes connected again as he felt the feeling of home wash over him, his fingers itched to be with hers as he would feel the warmth against his skin, feeling the butterflies swirl in his stomach again. Elsa walking over to him got closer until their fingertips touched as they kept their eyes on one another, it wasn't until their faces were inches apart that they both jumped back hearing another knock on the door.

As they both turned facing the door North stood with his black and red furry jacket barely touching the floor, one hand rested on his sword and another on his belly.

North "Jack we need to talk".

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