Chapter Eighty-One-Heroes' Of Today

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"Is that why he brought you back to life?" the voice echoed throughout the room.

Elsa "Rapunzel?" her eyes widened seeing her hold a sword as Flynn stood beside her with his sword of his own in his grasped tightly.

Rapunzel "Answer the question Gothel!" she said with a rage in her voice.

Gothel "Shouldn't that be mother to you?" she asked.

Rapunzel "Your no mother of mine, especially since you almost killed Flynn and me."

Gothel "Oh my darling that's just a bit of fun, after all didn't you want me to become the bad guy? It was you my dear who ran off with a complete stranger after everything I did for you".

Rapunzel "Everything you did? You locked me in a tower my whole life! What was I supposed to do stay there forever?" she yelled the blood pulsing through her veins.

Gothel "I did it to protect you".

Rapunzel "No! you did it so you could have my magic to yourself! You never loved me ever..... now answer my question, he brought you back to life so you could continue tormenting Elsa didn't he..."

Gothel "Your smarter than you look my dear." She sighed.

Rapunzel "Just answer the question." She snapped back.

Gothel "Why yes it is."

Elsa's eyes widened. So, this was the plan all along? To make her feel guilty about killing someone? She already did feel guilty for many things that kept pilling up and adding to the list, the first was that she'd hurt her sister in the past and Jack by making his heart break with the marriage that thankfully never went through. For Pitch targeting her family and friends, for being afraid to stand up to the bully she feared and most of all killing the moment it seemed like the right thing to do and after all isn't that what Manny wanted her to do? To destroy the man who made everyone fear themselves in their nightmares and in their waking life? She looked to the floor shovelling her feet as Hans's sword dung into her chest pressing lightly against her beating heart that was pounding louder by the second. As she looked back up she saw her cousin feeling lost and afraid of what had happened to her in the past as she tried resolve why her "Mother" had kidnapped her from her real parents only to love her for her magic hair and come back to life after stabbing the person she loved dearly with all her heart.

Elsa "I do feel guilty." She blurted out.

Hans "So you should." He snapped.

Jack "Maybe if he hadn't killed you in the first place he wouldn't have met his doom!" he yelled.

Jack's emotions were starting to become overwhelmed by everything that was happening around him and he could feel the frost burning though his veins as he felt the change in temperature in the air around them. He could see the frost slowly appearing across the windows, he wished he could somehow make this all go away but the more he thought about it Elsa was right she was bound to feel guilty for what she did. And after everything he put her through she wasn't to blame for his death.... He had pushed her to far especially with killing her in the first place. The butterflies made him feel nervous as he continued to stand beside Elsa with Hans pointing his sword firmly onto her chest he could easily kill her right there or not if wanted to.

Hans "And maybe you should have stayed out of his way!" he yelled.

Jack "He shouldn't have started a war he couldn't finish" He mumbled.

Hans "He couldn't finish it because she killed him!" he shouted.

Elsa "Stop! Stop this!" she suddenly burst out, ice spreading underneath her feet.

Hans "Why should I listen to you!" he spat at her pressing the metal sword firmly against her chest more.

Elsa winced feeling the cold silver metal press further into her chest the sharp edges trying to push through the fabric of her dress but as she felt the pain slowly wash over her body she couldn't help but, hear the anger blaring in the back of her mind wanting to burst and explode from within her. And as she tried to hold onto the anger she suddenly felt the cold ice sparkle from her fingertips, Hans grinned pressing the sword against her again harder than before seeing the monster she was break out from the sight in front of him. The young Queen looked around herself seeing the frost from the windows take her attention, she didn't know if it was from her own powers or her boyfriends, but she knew that either one of them was going to start freezing the room. Her heart raced her thoughts pounded across her mind as she tried to figure what to do.

"Step away from the Queen!" someone yelled from behind.

Anna "Step away from my sister" she shouted from behind the guard in front.

Hans "Or what?" he demanded.

Anna "Or I wont hesitate to set the guards after you, I should have known it was you who had stormed the castle! You back for another round?" she glared back at him.

Hans "Take one step closer and I wont stop to kill your sister on the spot." He grinned.

Anna "You touch her, and I'll kill you!"

Hans "You should be used to your family dropping dead on you by now, after all princess you've already lost your parents and your sister once. But then again, didn't she kill you at one point?" he asked trying to raise a reaction out of her.

Anna went silent clearly Pitch the enemy of Jack and Elsa had told Hans about their parents, her chest burned from the grief remembering how she felt when she learnt of her parents death, she remembered the moment Elsa had died before her eyes in Jack's arms as they both wept. Jack glanced back at Anna, seeing the glazed eyes that caught his attention and he knew that Hans had touched a nerve. He needed to somehow get Elsa away from the sword that the fallen prince had clung to her beating heart, but the way he stood closely to her it wasn't possible....

Elsa "Anna, do as he says don't come any closer." She says.

Anna "No! I'm not letting you die Elsa." She snapped.

Elsa "Just give him what he wants."

Anna "And what's that?"

Elsa "To be King."

Anna "No." she said quickly.

Elsa "Anna..."

Anna "No, Elsa he's not getting away with this!"

Hans "I'm stood right here darling, and might I add I already am getting away with this." He smirked his arm getting tired from holding the sword tightly to the queens chest.

Gothel "OH everyone's finally all here!" she exclaimed.

Hans "Let the games begin."

Elsa "Anna please leave this room."

Anna "No, I'm not leaving you."

Elsa "Please." She said stubbornly.

Anna "Cant you just see I'm trying to help you."

Elsa "I don't need your help!"

Jack "Elsa! Your not dying on us again, please just step away from him." He asked.

Gothel "AHHHH! Can't you just get this over with! I'm bored waiting." She said looking down at her nails and then back up where her other handheld the dagger towards the "Lost princess".

Hans "Mmmm." He said pulling sword and thrashing it back down towards the Queen.

Elsa tightened her eyes shut waiting for the impact against her heart but, as she opened one of her eyes she saw a bright light flash before her eyes and then Hans jolting backwards towards the room crashing down hitting the wooden floor. Elsa gasped as she turned her head with eyes all on her as they stared back at her.

North "Well.... I guess that answers the question if she's a guardian or not." He folded his arms after placing his swords back on his black belt. 

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