Chapter Eighty-Seven-Daylight

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Rapunzel saw nothing but darkness as she travelled through the underground through the tunnels with the person she used to call her mother. She looked back seeing the middle-aged woman's face completely pale as she stared back at her with sadness in her eyes. her black cloak hoodie covered her curly black hair as it trailed behind her through the tunnels, her hand grasped her estranged kidnapped daughters, but her feet became heavy with every step she took. Her eyes battled as they fought to stay open and she began to stumble, Rapunzel glanced behind her knowing that Gothel was struggling to keep up. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest like a drum and she felt her head getting lightheaded from the stress of getting away from the guards, she knew far to well that Elsa would have been told about Gothel escaping by now and she hoped that her older cousin would forgive her once she told her why she'd done it for.

She knew what she was doing was bad, there was no question of that. she knew right from wrong far better than anyone else.... but how could she deny the fact she missed her old mother? The one that she knew would bring her favourite soup and give her new paints for her birthday. How did everything become so complicated? Deep down she knew the truth of why Gothel had kidnapped her it had all become so clear once she'd gone to her real parents at the castle. The magic flower her hair and its healing powers and how she'd told her that she shouldn't go outside for fear of people wanting to use it, when the truth was, she was the one who had used her for its powers to stay young. Did she think she hadn't noticed of her not getting any older as the years past? She still loved her...... because it was all she had known....and now everything was a mess....

Gothel "Rapunzel stop." She said with breathless whispers.

Rapunzel turned around to face Gothel seeing her looking grey in her skin.

Rapunzel "Come on we've got to keep going."

Gothel "Rapunzel. Stop. You need to take me to the Queen." she breathed heavily.

Rapunzel "But she'll send you back."

Gothel "I don't care. I need some help. I need to...." She coughed.

Rapunzel "What's happening to you?" she asked.

Gothel "I'm dying...."

Meanwhile The young Queen and Guardian stood in one of the many rooms in the castle talking amongst themselves as Jack tried to get Elsa to realise what was happening wasn't her fault. His heart thumped loudly against his chest as she pressed her ear while hugging him tightly.

Jack "I wish you would listen to me and realise this isn't your fault." His head rested on top of hers.

Elsa "I am listening to you." She said stubbornly.

Jack "You can be so stubborn sometimes. But that's not what I mean, I mean you should listen to me because I'm telling the truth whether you think it or not Rapunzel is bought to be upset over her so-called mother being sentenced to her death. Like Flynn said it's all she's known so we've got to understand what she's going through."

Elsa "And I'm not saying that I don't understand Jack!" She yelled pulling away from the hug.

Jack "Then what is it?" He asked.

Elsa "I feel guilty enough about Hans, and I understand why she's upset but I have no choice they tried to kill us Hans more times than anything".

Jack "I know that!" He yelled.

The sound of something behind them made them both glance and when they turned to face it they were met with someone they knew all to well. her feet bare and her purple dress hovering above the ground, her long blonde hair trailing behind her in a French braid and flowers embedded within it. Her cheeks were stained with long flowing tears as they stared back at them, her eyes glazed and as she continued to cry her long sobs became louder throughout the room.

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