Chapter Thirty Six- Traitor

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The middle-aged man stared into the golden goblet that was full of red wine, he sat at the big oak table with Derek the council member. Taking a sip from the cup he smiled to himself knowing that this was far from over. The stupid prince had gotten himself thrown away back to his kingdom without even a form of punishment but when he arrived, he knew from his own hand that Hans would receive his punishment from his twelve brothers. He'd written to them of his crimes, trying to kill the Queen of Arendelle came with a price and even though he had everything to do with it he was sure he was going to get his own way. Even if it meant worming his way back into the Queens good graces and talking with the idiots on the council. As Derek left the room leaving Felix to himself, he drank from the cup with pleasure knowing some day he would get to kill the young Queen. He made his way to his own chambers slipping inside and walking over to the mirror that stood in the corner of the room.

He removed the sword from his belt placing it onto the table besides him, he reached inside his tailored suit pulling out the small golden embroidered dagger and placed it inside one of the draws to hide it. As he smirks, he looks back into the mirror seeing the waves of the glass ripple as he steps inside entering the underground cave of darkness around him. Walking over to the sound of black horses flying around the room.

Felix "I'm sorry, I forgot you don't recognise this face" he said changing into a dark tall figure.

The tall figure smirks back with his yellow eyes.

"Don't worry my nightmares you will have your chance to shine after all, I am Pitch black let the games begin..." he laughed evilly. 

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