Chapter Fifty-Nine-Fairy-tale Feelings

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Jack hurried down the hallway as fast as his feet could carry him. His smile plastered on his face as he finally reached his destination and as he saw the beauty stood before him, he almost lost his breath. His girlfriend stared back at him as her eyes caught his colbat gaze smiling happily as she intwined her fingers with his.

Elsa "Where are we going" she asked.

Jack "You'll see" he smiled as he gives her a cheeky wink.

Elsa "Just don't make it too far, Anna or Kristoff might need me." She replied.

Jack "Snowflake their busy spending time with their son besides I want to take you somewhere" he stopped in his tracks pulling her close towards him.

Elsa "Your right. I know they are, but where are we going?" She asked again.

Jack shook his head not saying a word to his girlfriend who stared back at him desperately wanting some answers.

Jack "Not telling it's a surprise" he smiled.

Elsa "Oh you know how I feel about surprises." She laughed to herself.

Jack "Come on I know you love them really." He winked.

Elsa sighed heavily knowing he was right. As long as she was with him it didn't matter where they went. As he swept her away into her chambers and to the balcony where they would spend sometimes looking up at the moonlit sky watching the stars as she did when she was a child hiding in plain sight. As the glow of the snow globe flowed through the air she held tightly around his neck as he pulled her closer to his body jumping through the portal where they landed to a place, she knew all too well.

Elsa "Jack it's like..." she gasped at the sight.

Jack "Our first date" he smiled at her as she walked over to the picnic set up in the middle of the floor.

She placed her hands on her hips looking around as she smiled. Jack walked over snaking an arm around her waist as he pulled her closer towards him. Elsa felt her back hit his chest as she sucked in a deep breath from his loving presences. She still felt like it was yesterday when she saw him and she'd fallen madly in love with him and every-time she saw him across the room or a glance of him, it was like she fell for him more. He was her best friend and the love of her life and even when she tried to not think about it, she could never picture her life where he wasn't in it. She wouldn't admit to anyone or even him but, sometimes she would fantasise about what it would be like to be married to Jack and what it would entail or even lead to. She thought about the questions that swirled through her mind when she did wondering if Jack would become King or even if she would give up her crown to live a normal happy life with him. She even though back to what Jack had mentioned when they were waiting for James to be brought into the world, if they would have kids in the future or if Jack could even give her children.

She blushed as she caught the gaze of Jack who grinned back at her knowing she was deep in thought.

Jack "Care to share what your so deep in thought about?" he asked.

Elsa "I was.... just thinking...." She blushed.

Jack "I know that, but about what?" he chuckled.

Elsa "The future...." She trailed off feeling her face blush even more.

Jack "Oh.... the future?" he teased her.

Elsa "Stop... I know what your doing." She says.

Jack "And what would that be?"

Elsa "Your teasing me. I know its silly okay."

Jack "Depends what you think that I find silly, I mean you never know." He said guiding her towards the picnic blanket.

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