Chapter Thirty Five- The Truth

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Elsa stood in his arms feeling the overwhelming feeling of worry take over her mind as Jack stared down at her with his big blue whirlpools his face turned into concern. He held her waist tightly looking down at her as the beauty radiated off her. The young Queen sighed knowing that he was patiently waiting for her to say something in the silence she'd created.

Jack "Snowflake your worrying me here" his voice melted into more worry as his mind overtook him thinking of the worse.

Elsa "Sorry.... I just know your going to be mad at me once I tell you" she said stepping away and wrapping her arms around herself.

Jack "Please just tell me? If its about you acting strange this morning" he trailed off.

Elsa closed her eyes feeling the light cold breeze hit her nose, but it didn't bother her, she could feel the tears prick at the back of her eyes as she tried to fight them off. She opened them back up to see Jack gazing down at her with his glazed whirlpools staring back at her with the look of worry on his face.

Elsa "I .... I had another nightmare...." She bit her lip the nerves setting in as she looked down to the floor.

Jack stepped closer taking her in his arms and hugging her tightly against his pounding chest, he knew all to well what it was like to live in darkness and awful nightmares that haunted you. Pitch had made sure of that when they fought the first time around and knowing him, he was doing all of this out of spite to get under his skin.

Jack "Tell me... what happened in the dream?"

Elsa "I can't.... It was awful" she says starting to sob a little.

Jack "Please?" he whispered.

Elsa "I was alone, in the dark and there was something lurking in the shadows" she trembled.

Jack "Pitch..." he snarled.

Elsa "No.... it was.... You" her voice shook.

Jack "Me?"

Elsa "Well it didn't like that you.... but it was.... And" she was cut off.

Jack "What do you mean?"

Elsa "Your hair was black and your eyes.... were glowing red.... You hated me".

Jack "Snowflake, I love you I could never hate you" he held her tighter.

Elsa "You had a dagger.... And .... You killed me" she blurted out.

Jacks eyes widened with worry, feeling Elsa tremble in his arms as she tried to steady her breathing as she sobbed deeply. He felt his heart sink hearing her cry was the last thing he wanted, and he felt responsible for what Pitch had done he was aware that this wasn't time to get angry but, he couldn't help it the anger burn at the back of his throat.

Jack "Snowflake?" he whispers.

Elsa "Mmm?" she mumbles under her trembles.

Jack "I'm so sorry...I feel like this is all my fault" his voice breaks a little.

Elsa stands up straight her eyes locked onto Jacks as his arms still wrapped around her waist tightly. She wipes a tear from her cheek as he glazed eyes see Jacks concern upon his face, she places a hand on his cheeks rubbing it gently with thumb.

Elsa "Jack this isn't your fault, its not like you planned the nightmare, is it?" she said softly.

Jack "I just feel like I'm responsible".

Elsa "Your not, this started long before we met" she reasoned with him.

Jack "What do you mean by that?" he questioned her.

Elsa "I've had awful dreams since I was a child, they've just been a lot stronger since I'm older and worried about hurting people."

Jack "Why didn't you mention this earlier? Pitch has clearly been targeting you for a reason" he raises his voice a little.

Elsa "Jack please don't be mad at me" she backed away from him looking to the ground with tears forming in her eyes again.

Jack stood in silence overthinking the situation they were in right now; he was mad at Pitch not her the way he tormented children and took advantage of them in their dreams was an understatement and he needed to be stopped whether he liked it or not. They'd stopped him before, and they could stop him again. Jack took a big step forward placing one of his hands onto Elsa's shoulder as she looked to the ground with salty eyes, the other hand lifted he chin carefully catching her eyes in his.

Jack "I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at him.... And the way he continues to defy the world around him, he thinks he can easily get away with tormenting innocent people without facing the consequences."

The silence between them grew as they stood in front of one another waiting for anything to be said. It wasn't until Jack wrapped his arms around her again as she placed her head on his pounding chest that Elsa felt something cold touch her nose from up above. As she pulled away and looked up, she smiled seeing the sky full of snow dropping to the ground. Her hand went to the air catching the tiny snowflakes in between her fingers. Jack stared at the young queen watching as she smiled up at the sky with full of love in her eyes. her sapphire eyes connected with Jacks colbat orbs as she smiled back at him with open arms that pulled her back into a warm hug.

Elsa "Did you do this?" she asked.

Jack "Maybe..." he grinned.

Elsa chuckled to herself as she reached up and kissed his lips, he returned a kiss back smiling back at her with his cheeky grin.

Jack "I should probably get you back to Arendelle." He said with a sad tone in his voice.

Elsa "Wait before we go, there is something that's bothering me" she suddenly began to worry.

Jack "What's bothering you?" he asked.

Elsa "It's just I swear I've seen the dagger somewhere before" she trailed off.

Jack "What like in another dream or somewhere in the castle?"

Elsa "I think someone I know has that dagger".

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