Chapter Six- The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

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Anna walked back and forth around the room thinking in deep thought, she couldn't get over the fact that her sister had powers and just any powers she had ICE powers which immediately made sense of why she shut everyone out, why she never wanted anyone to be near her or see her. She sighed coming to a stop in her track when she realised everyone was still here in the kitchen. Their faces stared back at her in confusion and she was unable to answer any questions she had herself. She wondered if her sister was alright and where she'd run off too. She ran quickly through the doorway and towards her sisters' room only to find the door wide open and covered in ice. She wanted to go in but stopped not wanting to take a step inside, she didn't want to trip over on the ice to scanning over her older sisters' room she could see the piles of books on the desk. She turns around feeling a present's coming from behind her only to find the young Guardian standing there.

Jack" Sorry Princess Anna I didn't mean to scare you"

Anna" Oh its fine you didn't scare me, are you okay?"

Jack" It's just... I can't believe your sister has powers"

Anna" It all makes sense now wonder she was so adamite about staying away from everyone... she must be so scared... "

Jack" Do you have any idea where she could of ran off to?"

Anna" I have no clue; I'm worried in case she's gone out there to the mountains on her own maybe I should get Kristoff to come with me to see if she's okay"

Jack" I could maybe go see I can find her if you want while you talk to Kristoff?"

Anna" Are you sure? You don't have to"

Jack" No I can fly over while you get Kristoff I can see places where you won't be able to reach, I'll be quick I promise"

Anna" Thanks... and I'm sorry for all of this"

Jack" Nonsense it's nice to know I'm not the only one of my kind"   

And with that he takes off running down the hallway and out the front door flying high in the sky. Anna walks off towards the kitchen knowing she needs to go and see if her sister is okay.

Jack flew across the sky looking everywhere from the village to the blank covered sheet of white snow that laid on the ground, however he had noticed the mountains Anna had mentioned and quickly made his way to the tallest when he came a stop and realised a figure walking through the snow by herself. He set his feet on the ground when the figures head whipped around immediately and stood still staring at him with those big blue eyes. Her braid blew in the wind making her tuck a strand back behind her ear as she waited for the young boy, she'd met this morning to say something.

Jack" You must be freezing" he said feeling stupid of not knowing what else to say, you could say he was still in shock from learning there was someone else like him.

Elsa" The cold doesn't bother me" she smiled looking around and seeing the snow fall to the ground.

Was she really doing all of this? She crouched down to the ground and crushed the hard snow between her fingers. She looked up seeing the young boy come closer towards her, he crouched down looking into her deep blue eyes, they sparkled, and he swore he could see a snowflake around her iris. She stared back at him without hesitation she noticed how pale he looked and how blue his eyes were, she wondered why he held on to the large crooked stick so tight and why he wore no shoes in the cold snow. He smiled at her thinking of how she was like him he knew the cold didn't bother him either. He could resist how beautiful she looked as he stared back at her however, he knew he'd been staring at her to long I didn't want to scare her away again.

Jack" It doesn't?"

Elsa" No it never has..." She said shyly.

she looked around seeing the snow still coming down fast, she looked down towards her hands and stared at them for a moment. She looked back up and caught the boy's eyes.

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