Chapter Eight-Answers

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Elsa sat at the big oak table while the guardians,Kristoff and her sister were silently waiting for answers, Elsa sat back the wooden chair feeling the pressure since she'd gotten back to the castle with Jacks help. Jack stood beside the wooden chair Elsa sat in he was concerned for her emotions and how she would handle answering everyone's bombarding questions.

Elsa "What would you like to know?" She says finally breaking the silence.

Anna "Why didn't you tell me?" She grew concerned.

Elsa "They told me not too...." She said growing sad.

Anna "Who's they"

Elsa "Our parents"

Anna "So? I would have told you!" She said angry standing up in her seat.

Kristoff pulled his girlfriend down back to the chair, but she wouldn't budge she wanted to know answers.

Kristoff "Anna come sit back down". He said politely.

Anna "But I want answers..."

Elsa "And you can have them, but you must know that you did know at one point" she blurted out.

Anna "I knew? So then why don't I know now?" She asked.

Elsa "Mom and dad took us to the rock trolls they erased your memories and after that... they told me to stay away from you".

Anna "So it's their fault I don't know my sister!" She grew angry again.

Elsa "No.... It was mine... I'm the one who hurt you I deserved it".

Anna "You didn't deserve any of its Elsa.... I'm sure whatever it was that happened was an accident, you were a child, and no one should be made to be alone on their own".

Elsa "Anna it was to protect you...." She bit her lip from the nerves.

Anna "From what?"

Elsa "From me...." She said growing sad.

Anna "You would never hurt me on purpose".

Elsa "No.... but I still hurt you.... And it was best for me to stay away".

Anna "Best for me to what? Knock on your door every day wishing you would come out one day and tell me what was wrong? Elsa, you didn't even open the door when I came after the funeral...... I was alone I had no one to talk too...." She said growing a little angry again.

Elsa "You have no idea how much I wanted to open that door and talk to you especially when they died all I wanted was to hug you, but I couldn't not because I didn't want too because I was afraid in case if I did come out, I would hurt the people I love..."

Anna "Elsa I believe that you won't hurt me I only want to get to know my sister, Im sorry that I raised my voice and got angry but, I just can't believe that our parents made you hide away".

Elsa "And we can get to know each other it's something I've wanted for many years, and you can't blame them they just wanted you to be safe".

Anna "But I was safe with you and our parents.

The room went silent while Elsa thought endlessly of Anna's thoughts, even though their parents had separated them for Annas safety wouldn't have been better to be altogether? Maybe then they wouldn't have died.... As she fiddled with the fabric of her dress it dawned on her now that she had finally come out her room, she could get to know her sister for real something she'd wanted to do for ages. It wasn't until she heard a loud strong beaming voice that brought her out of her daydream that she looked back up.

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