Chapter Four- Nice To Meet You

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Elsa was walking back and forth around the room, she wore a navy and black dress corset that hovered above the ground and her braided hair laid on her left shoulder, she wondered if the boy in the hallway had told anyone about what had happened? Had she been caught? Would they find out? There was so many questions swirling through her mind it was ready to explode. She had always wanted to know what it was like to have friends and to finally have her sister back, her tummy rumbled she wanted to walk out her room and head to the kitchen where the food laid out on the table. Her gloved hand hesitated on the handle of the door and with a sudden movement the door clicked open, and she stepped out not looking back.

Looking around the hall as she walked down it there were servants staring and she could feel the questions already begging to be answered. It wasn't until she stopped  hovering over the handle of the kitchen door, she sucked in a breath knowing that on the other side of the door could be her sister and the people she was meant to be arranging an alliance with she knew she wasn't the best at being a Queen as all she knew was to hide in her room. Turning the handle, she opened it and went inside......

All eyes were on her when she entered the room and it felt nerve racking to know all of them wanted to know who she was and why she was here at that moment.

"It's you" the boy said.

Oh no she thought it was the boy she had seen this morning.

Elsa" Err hi" she said blushing lightly.

Anna" E...Elsa? Is it really you?" she stuttered.

Elsa" Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt..." she said going to back around out the door.

Anna" No! No! it's fine I'm just happy to see you". She smiled.

Elsa" I'm really sorry for bumping into you this morning"

Jack" No it fine I'm sorry your majesty". He said bowing a little.

Elsa" No really, I lost track of time, and you really don't have to call me that by the way" she rambled.

Anna suddenly laughed not knowing how to expect the fact her sister had came out her room and meeting her for the first time in fourteen years and not to mention she was stood here in the kitchen rambling on how she had lost track of time and was sorry for bumping into Jack.

Elsa" Sorry... did I, erm say something funny?"

Anna" No I .... I didn't mean to I just ... you're here" she says between laughter.

Elsa" Oh about that I should really get back to..." she says turning around.

Anna" No wait! Please stay"

Elsa looked to the floor feeling the pressure as she played with a bit of the thread on her gloves. She looked back up with a little smile and Anna knew that she was going to stay with one look.

Elsa" Fine but I can only stay for a little while".

Anna smiles happily knowing her sister was staying and even though it was only for a little while she was looking forward to maybe getting to know her sister a little. Although there was something that was bothering her what was with the gloves Elsa was wearing? Did she have something wrong with her hands that she didn't anyone to see? Or did she not like dirt? Who knew but she definitely wanted to know why? After everyone settled down a little Elsa sat in a chair near the table, but it was still very far away.

Elsa was nervous she didn't exactly know what to do in front of everyone was she supposed to act normal? Or did she have to act like a Queen which sounded like a stupid thought, but she had never talked to anyone in such a long time and she wasn't really sure what to do. She listened to the others talk amongst themselves talking about how they had travelled the world and saving children. She wished she could be free like that to travel the world and to do amazing things, but she was trapped here and she waiting to be used like a check piece wating to be moved.

After what felt like forever Elsa was snapped out her trance when Anna when stood waving her hands in the air trying to get her attention and she jolted back with panic making the others stare in confusion.

Anna" Sorry... I didn't mean to frighten you" she worried.

Elsa" No... ermmm I just .... Erm I should get back to work." She says standing up out the chair and feeling the pressure of her fingertips touch the fabric of her gloves pushing the feeling that she could feel her power at the edge.

Jack" Wait you should stay we'd all love it if you would especially Anna" he says gesturing over to Anna.

Anna" Oh no she doesn't have to stay if she doesn't want too, I'm sure she just wants to head back to her room and shut the door like normal." Anna feels angry that her sister wanted to go when she had just got here.

Elsa" W... What's that supposed to mean?"

Anna" I think you know what it means, you come in here and expect us to act all normal, yet we all know that something is going on!" she stands up feeling Angrier than before.

Elsa" Anna I ...."

Jack" Anna maybe you should calm down".

North" And take some deep breaths".

Anna" No! I've had enough of this I'm sick of taking care of everything you don't want to do! And you know else I'm sick of? Of you hiding in your room what has got you so scared or whatever that you have to be in there all the time?"

Elsa was taken back a bit and unsure of how to respond she knew her sister was right she had been hiding in her room for as long as she can remember and she had left Anna on her own even when their parents had died, she had been left alone, no wonder she was acting like this towards her.

Elsa" I'm sorry you've got to believe me when I say it was for your own benefit "

Anna" Oh come on! Really? How is this for my own benefit to be alone? And what's with these? "She says getting up and walking over to Elsa and grabbing her glove of her hand.

Elsa panics she tries to take it off her but immediately steps back when she realises that she can feel her powers trying to break through. Elsa heads for the door when she's stopped in her tracks by Anna, she tries to shove past, but her sister won't let her.

Anna" Why can't you just tell me? Is It really that bad?"

Elsa could hear a laughter in her head a one she was so familiar with that it didn't surprise her it was there at this moment; she knew he loved to cause trouble whenever he could and the that he was making it worse right now made her feel even more worried than she already was. Her hands trembled knowing if she didn't get out of here soon her power were going to expose themselves and then everyone would think of her differently or worse a monster.

Elsa finally found the courage to speak with one big sigh "Please just let me past".

Anna moved forwards only to make Elsa move backwards into the chair she'd been sitting at and as she went to fall into it her hand touched it and that's when the sparkling ice covered entirely. Her eyes raised in shock unable to take back what had just happened the look on Anna's face said it all, she was a monster and would always be. After rushing past her sister and back into the hall and out of the castle she headed for the north mountain where no one would ever come bother her.

Meanwhile Anna stood in shock as she looked at the ice which covered the chair, she walked over and touched its Sharpe edges. Looking up at the others no words came to mind but it all suddenly made sense in her mind the whole reason why Elsa hid in her room was to hide the fact she had magic. Now she felt awful for saying awful comments at her sister and even though it's how she felt she couldn't imagine how Elsa felt so frightened right now. She looked over to Jack who was most shocked himself he hadn't expected the Queen of Arendelle to have ice powers just like him....

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