Chapter Sixty-Six-Secrecy

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The young Queen sat in the study scribbling along the paper and reading more documents as she continued to sigh deeply from her thoughts. She looked down at the desk seeing the papers scattered around in piles and it wasn't until she pulled the letter from her sight that she sighed again, she ran her fingers over the seal. Her seal that she'd imprinted on the paper and as she flipped It over, the words Jack on the front made her want to cry. She had tried her best to keep the secret from him, but it broke her heart knowing what she needed to do. It wasn't until the sound of a knock at the door that interrupted her thinking that she called out telling whoever it was on the other side to step inside. One of the young servant girls came in.

Servant "Your majesty the royal guests have arrived."

Elsa "Thank you, I'll make my way down now. Tell them to wait for me." She smiled.

She made her way out of the room as she looked around before closing the door shut behind her. Her blue sparkling dress trailing behind her as she moved down the hallway and past the open doors, she found herself outside where the fresh air hit her face. She found the people she was looking for amongst the wild rose bushes sipping on their drinks as she sat down and joined them. They glanced up at her with confused faces wondering why they'd been summoned to Arendelle but then again who would miss an opportunity to see their cousin again?

Rapunzel "Elsa, you made it." She exclaimed.

Flynn "Thank goodness she was about to drink all the lemonade!" He laughed.

Rapunzel "Flynn there's plenty to go around stop whining!" she said pouring more into his glass next to him.

Elsa looked at her cousin afraid to say what was on her mind as she watched the two fight like people in love, and then Rapunzel looked back noticing how the young Queen was waiting patiently for a moment to speak.

Rapunzel "Flynn will you go and tell Anna that we're back?" she asked.

Flynn "Oh...umm yeah sure I will." He said slowly getting up from his chair and tucking underneath.

Rapunzel turns to her older cousin with concern spread across her face.

Rapunzel "I got your letter, it seemed urged." She speaks.

Meanwhile Flynn walked throughout the hallways wondering why he wasn't allowed to hear the conversation between the two. Although he was curious ever since Rapunzel had received a letter from Elsa, they had dropped everything and headed this way. He slipped inside one of the rooms where he found Anna and Kristoff sat with Jack while he bounced James on his knee laughing amongst themselves. Anna looked up with the confusion written on her face.

Anna "Flynn?"

Flynn "Hey guys." He said taking a seat beside Anna.

Anna "What are you doing here?" she asked.

Kristoff "Yeah I thought you were busy back in Corona?"

Flynn "Elsa sent for us so here we are." He shrugged.

Jack "Elsa sent for you? Anna did she say anything to you?" he asked feeling the nerves taking over him.

Anna "She's said nothing to me."

Jack "She hasn't mentioned anything to me either."

Anna "Where is she anyways?"

Flynn "Outside in the gardens with Blondie."

Kristoff "Are they catching up?"

Flynn "No... I could tell there was something more to it. Punzie sent me to you."

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