Chapter Sixty-Five-Tears Ricochet

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Elsa stirred in her sleep restless as she tossed and turned, she could feel the dream taking over in her sleep as she tried to wake up.


Elsa "Who's there?" she asked.

"I'm here to warn you".

Elsa "Who are you?"

"You need to save him Elsa!"

Elsa "save who?"

"Jack Frost. You need to save him before it's too late."

"Save him! Or this is what will happen to him!".

Elsa shot up from bed as she remembered the scene playing before in her dream, the beads of sweat dripping from her forehead as she sat up in bed, she peered around into the darkness feeling a warm hand touch her waist and she smiled knowing he was back in her chambers.

Jack "Are you alright?" he asked.

Elsa "Yes, sorry I just...." She trailed off.

Jack "Couldn't sleep?" he said pulling her down to his chest with grace.

Elsa slid down to Jacks chest hearing the beating of his heart drumming dramatically against her ear. She smiled knowing she was back in the arms of her boyfriend and the love in her heart skipped a beat as she felt the warm embrace of his arms around her waist holding her closer. Jack kissed her forehead sweetly as he snuggled into her warmth, he had felt strange not being in this room for a few days as he'd let her take some time to gather her thoughts but knowing he was with her and to help her was all he could ask for right now. He had to admit he was upset about the whole situation, and he blamed himself, he wished Elsa would've told him sooner about what had happened but who could blame her from going through something like that? he hated seeing her in so much grief blaming herself when it wasn't her fault.

Jack "I'd happily stay awake with you until you fall back asleep if that's what you want?" he asked.

Elsa "I wouldn't want to trouble you."

Jack "You're not, please Snowflake what's on your mind?" he wondered.

Elsa "Nothing...."

Jack "Elsa" he replied knowing there was something more that was keeping her up.

Elsa "I love you, Jack."

Jack "I love you too but, what's wrong?"

Elsa "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what happened... I just didn't ruin the happiness."

Jack "Promise me if anything ever happens, you'll come tell me right away?" he replies.

Elsa "I promise." She says going silent.

Jack "What else is bothering you?" He asked.

Elsa "How did you know something else was bothering me?"

Jack "Snowflake you forget how well I know you, and besides I can't tell there's something more you're not telling me."

Elsa "it's just...what if this happens again? In the future I mean. What if I can't give you children? What if..." she panicked.

Jack "Is that what your worried about? Snowflake even if we didn't have children, you are my family no matter what". He replied.

Elsa "but I thought that's what you would want for me to do, to give you a child one day."

Jack "I mean yes I'd love to have a child of our own but not for the reason you think."

Elsa "Well it's all I've known especially from the council they want an heir one day and they want it to be a boy "

Jack "Elsa, I will never pressure you into having a child and how can they even presume is going to be a boy? That's silly"

Elsa "But..."

Jack "No Snowflake, don't let them pressure you that way." Jack paused suddenly realises something.

Jack "Wait... that's not why you.... We" he blushed a little.

Elsa was silent not saying a word as he sighed deeply already knowing the answer to his own question. He let he shift in his arms as she snuggled closer to him. He felt the wash of pain make his chest tighten as he thought about it.

Jack "Snowflake...."

Elsa "Yeah?" She asked quietly.

Jack "You didn't .... did you? because you thought...." He trailed of rambling to himself.

Elsa moved her hand to his cheek firmly pressing her fingers against it as she moved further forward in the darkness to plant a kiss on his lips. He suddenly melted into the kiss and immediately stop speaking and his mind went blank for a moment forgetting what he'd been thinking about. And then she kissed the end of his nose with a quick movement and the red blush crept along his face pulling her tighter into his chest.

Jack "What was that for?" He asked with a grin upon his face.

Elsa "I just love you that's all" she smiled.

Jack "And I love you, with all my heart. But you haven't answered my question?" He suddenly felt nervous again.

Elsa "Jack.... There's no need for you to be nervous... that night happened in the moment not because they were pressuring me too. Besides, we're not even married so why would they ask for me to produce an heir otherwise? Their old fashioned about that stuff"

Jack "I know I just wanted to make sure they hadn't been pressuring you but, I'm glad that they didn't I was worried.... that they had."

Elsa "No.... I.... wanted to..." she blushed.

Jack "Oh you did? Did you?." he teased.

Elsa was thankfully for the darkness that was still around them, although the faint light of the moon set in her room passing through the curtains and shined slightly so she could see Jacks blue eyes in the dark. They hadn't really talked about this before but, she wouldn't change that night for the world and even though had Jack told her the same she had been a bit cautious about telling him for the same fact he was doing right now. Teasing her. It wasn't the fact that she didn't like his playfully side it was merely sometimes she had no idea how to react and it taken her this long to even flirt back with him.

Jack "Elsa, there's something I want to say." He said breaking the silence between them.

Elsa "Mmmm? What's that." she asks.

Jack "No matter what, I want you to know that I will never think less of you for having a miscarriage. It wasn't your fault, and I don't want you to blame yourself ever, and I will love you always."

Jack could hear the silent sobs coming from her eyes, he held her tightly in his arms comforting her as much as he could and he knew that with what he had said, that she needed to hear this from himself. He knew that she blamed herself for losing their child, but no matter what he loved her, he could see the desperation of sadness in her eyes from the moonlight that invaded the room and as she sobbed into his chest holding onto his soft blue hoodie while he planted a kiss on her forehead. 

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