"But, big brother, I also think it's cool." Shen Nuo said genuinely.


"Big brother, I'm going to try it with my puppy tonight!" Shen Nuo said with a face full of smiles.

And Shendu had simply stared at him as if he had eaten shit...

He had only asked one question from Shen Nuo back then. "Where did you learn this!!?"

Shen Nuo who saw his brother's face get demonized in an instant, realized that he had accidently cracked his nut. But he was definitely not going to say that he happened to flip through some forbidden books that were secretly kept by his classmates. He was afraid this brother of his would burn the Academy and build it into a pigsty. So he came up with a possible lie.

"Fourth brother Shen Hao was flipping through a book at old master Liu's book store and he looked quite interested in it. I was just curious. So I joined him to watch..."

Shendu's face nearly dripped with blood. That day, he did not explain anything about that thing to Shen Nuo. Instead, he fetched a good spiny iron rod from the store room and went in search of Shen Hao hissing something which sounded very much like "Beat you into dead meat..."

Shen Nuo immediately fled the scene and pretended to be the innocent puppy full of fluffy fur again while his fourth senior brother Hao got beaten to death even without knowing why...

Later with time, Shen Nuo realized that such matters were better not to be done or spoken about in public. He realized that it was something embarrassing that could only be done in secrecy...

And this was honestly the first time he saw it with his own eyes. But what a thrilling fate? Those two people happened to be the Emperor and the Empress. How can he be not stunned?

But he also felt wronged. This thing would not have happened if the Emperor had not snatched his tassel one year ago... He had not forgotten that incident but back then, he had been too afraid to come alone. He had endured it for one whole year and finally decided to do it...

But was it his fault that they happened to be enjoying their personal time when he came? He was deliberately trying to help when he heard a woman scream. But who the hell thought she screamed because...???

So he gained courage and spoke back. "It was Your Majesty who asked me to come find you if I want my tassel back. I only did as I was told!"

Li Yan's eyes flashed in a dangerous light. His face drew even gloomy. But he didn't say anything. After what seemed for ages, he spoke back irritatedly. "The tassel is tightened to Zhen's waist belt. Zhen has work to do. So take it yourself!"

Shen Nuo felt lame. Did he just hear rightly? His eyes subconsciously lowered to look at the Emperor's narrow and slender waist. It was indeed hanging down there, tightened to the side of his waist belt.

Shen Nuo bit his lower lip nervously and took few steps towards him.

"Why do you like it that much?" The Emperor asked grimly, changing the memorials.

Shen Nuo thought for a while. He really did not know how to answer that question. If truth be told, he had asked the same question from himself, several times.

"I don't know..." Shen Nuo replied in a whispery voice, lamely. "It had been with me for many years. Maybe that's why I feel reluctant to leave it."

Li Yan fixed his indifferent gaze at him. "Is that so? Are you sure there's nothing else?"

"Your Majesty." Shen Nuo spoke honestly. "This jade tassel was given to me by someone when I was small. I don't remember him clearly. But once I happened to visit Wu Xiang Monastery and a fortune teller there told me that the person who gave me this tassel would be my husband one day..."

[BL]After Transmigration I Became The Villainous Consort. [穿越后, 我成了恶妃]Where stories live. Discover now