Young Shen Nuo was ten years old. Among the noble kids, he happened to be the most beautiful male (ger). So it was natural for him to have the attention of so many young imperials. He was loved by teachers, admired by seniors and envied by girls.

Though he be a lively kid, still he was well mannered, good natured and kind. He made a little friends, respected elders, kept out of troubles and learned well everything that was taught.

But not everyone was happy about Shen Nuo's arrival. Specially those arrogant young master from the noble families or the side branches of the Imperial Family. They were not very happy of having their limelight being stolen.

Shen Nuo was often praised. But he was equally bullied. He was often dragged into troubles, framed into faults and mentally harassed. Those were the darkest days of his life, until that moment he met Yue Zhanhua.

Yue Zhanhua was the handsome nineteen years old eldest son of Minister of Revenue. It looked as though he held some power in the Academy. He scored the highest in every exam and was also the favorite of seniors. So he was appointed as the head student of the Academy. Other students feared him.

After Shen Nuo was saved by him amid a bunch of arrogant young masters, he came under Zhanhua's care. His dark life somewhat ended.

Shen Nuo however, did not like the way Zhanhua protected him. Shen Nuo was a ger. He looked like a male. To be honest, he should be with boys. But he got often bullied and laughed at.

Zhanhua saw him being differently treated. He had told Shen Nuo before that since he was very busy, it was hard for him to always protect him.

So Zhanhua did something amazing and directly handed over Shen Nuo to the girls. The girls were mostly Zhanhua's fans that admired him. They were ready to do anything that he said.

But they were however, highly excited about this matter. Most of them were seniors who were several years older than Shen Nuo. They were too excited to have a little white bunny to accompany them.

So since then, during learning sessions, Shen Nuo often hanged out with girls. Though it was extremely noisy and suffocating but it was loads better. At least they never intended to harm him or bully him. And of course, the arrogant young masters from before could do nothing when he was with girls. They were too afraid. They exactly knew what girls were capable of.

So with time, Shen Nuo who hanged around girl learned that it wasn't only martial arts, calligraphy, politics and poetry that they learned in the Academy. There were also extremely secretive things that they personally carried out researches and learned...

For example, young girls of the noble families always looked so hooked up...flashy giggling girls who frantically scream whenever a boy pass by them.

At first Shen Nuo thought it was a unique disease of girls that was highly contagious to young females. So he was genuinely curious. He intentionally used to pass by loads and loads of girls during the intervals and they would squeal.

If the girl was senior to him, she would immediately cry out that he was cute and would grasp from Shen Nuo's baby fats and squeeze it until it bleeds. If the girl is younger than him, then she would blush and flee away...

Later with time and through thorough observations, he realized that it wasn't any disease but it was because something was wrong with their brains.

And the girls didn't stop from that. They had their own secretive researches which they carried out in delight. Even when it came to choose the most handsome youths in the Capital, they did it secretly and gladly.

Zhanhua used to be the most famous among the girls. They openly chased after him. But Zhanhua did not care. He was too busy to care about something like that. He would always turn them down, without hurting their feelings.

The list the girls made so skillfully had twenty or so handsome men that lived in the Capital. Two of them were poor while all the others were already rich and young men between twenty and twenty five.

But there was also someone who couldn't be included in the list. That person was seldom seen and was rumoured to be handsome than any of them.

He was said to be coldly handsome, and his temperament was said to be cold and frightening. But he wasn't someone whom they could afford offending. He was the young Emperor who was the dream of many noble girls.

It was true that Zhanhua was brighter. He was handsome. He was talented. But he was nowhere near to match the talents and the majesty of the young Emperor Li Yan.

It was said that Crown Prince Li Yan was able to score the highest in the State's Examination surpassing many old heads with shocking talents but back then he was only ten years old. He became the Emperor of a state at the age of seventeen. His cultivation level surpassed all the seniors that used to to teach him when he was small...

Was this something others could do? Which girl would not like to be his wife?

But they knew that Li Yan was not someone whom they can get close to. He was their moon in the mirror, reflection upon the water. It was always untouchable and unreachable. He could only exist in their dreams...

But everytime little Shen Nuo heard them praise the young Emperor, he felt however strange. But he did not like to mess up with girl things too much. He feared he would grow watermelons in his front and back like them if he spends time with them so much.

He was not interested in watermelons like many senior boys of the Academy did. So he would silently sit in a corner of the hall and take out his beautiful white jade tassel to play with it...

But he did not know that there was always a pair of cold fathomless eyes that watched him from afar, untraced, unseen. Those eyes had some expression that was extremely hard to read...

[BL]After Transmigration I Became The Villainous Consort. [穿越后, 我成了恶妃]Where stories live. Discover now