Start from the beginning

She then pointed to her dad, as he laughed along with her mom, her and her background dancers began dancing.

"But he'll live and he'll see what his girl is meant to beGonna shine and leave the past behind
Gonna try to fly so high
Gonna climb and make the prize all mine
And I'll write my name in letters across the sky."

She said as her name appeared behind her in lights as everyone cheered.

"I'm gonna shineAnd if my present luminescent state is second rate
I'll turn it up a notch past nine and watch the world go blind."

Then the lights all went off as purple lasers came on as they pointed at them as her and her background dancers stood around her as she stood in the middle.

"Got a diva dazzle that you just can't touch
Like an angel in Armani I'm too fabulous
They'll be lining up for blocks once I bop to the top
With a poochie in my Gucci, I just can't be stopped."

The lights then flashed, coming back on as Caroline then walked through her dancers and strutted across the walkway as her dancers followed her.

"I'm gonna shine and make the moment mine
Now my time has arrived
Gonna shine so bright
The sun will run and hide
And I'll be the only star that lights the sky
I'm gonna shine."

Then she stopped and threw her arms in the air, as purple confetti shot out of the canons, as she smiled as everyone in the audience stood up and cheered.

Having changed into regular clothes back stage, Caroline came walking out and as she did, her body guard Derek was leading the way, making sure all the fans didn't come near her as she was carrying Finn in her arms, Becca walked next to her as she saw her parents "oh my gosh, I can't believe you guys actually came!" she voiced, as she handed Finn to Becca, she then walked over and hugged her parents "oh, we couldn't miss your first performance!" her mom voiced, as her dad laughed "yeah, I mean who else is supposed to keep all the boys away?" her dad asked, looking to all the fans, seeing some boys amongst the crowd.

As Derek nodded "that's why I'm here, sir." he told him, as Caroline chuckled "yeah, honestly I'm pretty safe." she told him, as her mom then noticed the dog "oh my gosh, he is so much cuter in person!" she voiced, reaching her arms out and taking the dog and holding him in her arms "I know. He's only been around for awhile and her already has his own Instagram page." Caroline shared, as Becca chuckled "you two should totally come to dinner with us." she told them "no, we wouldn't want to intrude." her mom said, as Caroline shook her head "no, no, my treat. I mean last time we were in LA, we all were eating from the seven eleven down the street." she shared, as they all laughed, Derek motioned his hand as they all began walking out.

Sitting around the restaurant that allowed dogs, boy was eating on the floor, as the rest of them were sitting around the table and laughing "I mean, she's come a long way from getting maybe one to two solos while being stuck behind her brother and Rachel taking the lead the rest of the time." her mom shared, as she was showing Becca pictures of her freshman year in glee club, as her dad chuckled "yeah, I mean the first time I met her was when she was in Kurt's basement with her friend Tina dancing to single ladies by Beyonce where Kurt then proceeded to tell me she was his girlfriend." he shared, as Caroline shook her head "and then we brought it back and had you dance with us for Kurt's graduation present." she shared.

As her dad nodded, pointing at her "hey, you know what? For your graduation present I should've performed one of your solos." he told her "no!" Caroline and her mom voiced as the two of them laughed "oh, come on! I could've at least put on a good performance of jealousy, jealousy." her dad shared, as Becca's eyes went wide "ooh! That should totally be on the album! And so should hope ur ok, god that one would be a tear jerker!" she voiced, pulling out her phone to put it in her notes, as Caroline laughed "Becca, we're supposed to be celebrating!" she voiced "we are! But you know better then anybody when creativity strikes you can't just let it go to waste, I mean that's already two songs out of eleven for your album." she shared.

"Well, if so then we already have that one called deja vu that I sang when I met Jordan." Caroline mentioned, as Becca clapped her hands "yes, yes!" she voiced, going to grab her phone again while chewing her steak, but her mom reached over and grabbed it "each your phone honey, I got it." she told her "ooh then put down brutal too! It'll be a great opening track, I made it when I thought I was never gonna get anywhere after the Marley fiasco at sectionals." Caroline shared as her mom wrote that down "which now only leaves us with seven songs to figure and a album name which means you can stop worrying about it and continue eating your steak." Caroline told her, eating hers.

As her mom furrowed her brows "how about sour? I mean it's the perfect mix of these songs at least from the names." she shared, as her dad nodded "yeah, yeah, I like it, sour." he shared "yes and it won't give anyone a clue of what the songs are so they'll want to by the album it's genius!" Becca voiced, as she held her hands up, her mom and dad high fived her, as Caroline chuckled "yeah, sour, I can work with that." she told them, as her mom smiled "there she goes, already thinking of song ideas." she shared "then we better get dessert before she get's up and runs out of here to right them." he said, holding his hand up to signal a waiter seeing as they were in a backroom away from everyone else.

And later, Caroline was in her apartment in her sweatpants, with bunch of sheet music around her as she had her guitar in her lap as she had been writing non stop since she got back in, in which Becca who had been staying with her since she had the room came walking over, sliding the guitar out from under her "okay, enough for tonight." she told her "no!" Caroline voiced, dropping her pen and reaching for the guitar, as Becca held it in the air "yes! You had a show and a lovely dinner with your parents and it's now one in the morning and I would like for you to unwind with some wine and Becca's famous s'mores as we can catch up on pretty little liars." she shared, as Caroline chuckled "you realize I don't need pretty little liars, right? Those girls to me we're basically Quinn, Santana, Britney and even Mercedes who always thought I was Mr Schue's favorite. I was more like that Mona girl." she shared.

As Becca put the guitar behind the couch "well, I don't see you sneaking out wearing a black hoodie and sending texts out to anyone do I?" she asked "no because I chose to put my pain and suffering into my creativity." Caroline shared "exactly." Becca told her as she walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the tray walking back over while Caroline cleaned up her sheet music "and if I went to high school with you I would've kicked those girls asses." Becca shared, putting the tray down on the table, as Caroline chuckled "or you would've been making out with Santana." she told her.

In which Becca furrowed her brows, in which Caroline looked at her with raised brows, in which Becca laughed "I was just playing with you! Of course I would. I mean for a hot second I thought I liked boys but then I was at college and I experimented and realized that I was just pretending to like guys." she shared, as Caroline nodded "I think that explanation is missing some parts to it but I did see you have another glass of wine the moment we got into the house after the two glasses you had at dinner, where by the end of dessert we all were laughing with my dad about how when I said in my song that I was gonna give him a heart attack and how he actually did have one." she shared.

As Becca started laughing again as she quickly covered her mouth raising her brows "oh my god." she said, as Caroline started laughing, she grabbed the glass of wine and started drinking it "which just means I need to catch up with you." she said, as Becca reached for the moment to turn on the show.

Who will I be, Jesse St JamesWhere stories live. Discover now