"Kunimi, listen, I'm doing this for your own good... you need some steps too. Let's go-"

Kunimi couldn't take it anymore, he shoved past Kindaichi. The turnip top male stumbled, regaining his footing.

"Wait!" He grabbed Kunimi's arm, but the male was frozen.

His usual tired eyes were wide, his mouth parting slightly and his heart shattering in his chest. There a few stores down was (M/N). But he was pressed against a female -who was pressed against the store brick wall- as they were locked lip in a heated make out session.

Her leg was hooked around his waist, her skirt being pushed up by (M/N)'s (S/C) toned hand. Her hands in his hair and tangling them into his locks.

Kunimi didn't feel angry, just betrayed and hurt. He wanted to run, but he couldn't even look away. His eyes clogged from the pounding in his chest, from the thoughts telling him he wasn't good enough.

He couldn't even see Kindaichi shaking him or trying to get him to snap out of it. It was like he could only see the love of his life making out with some random female who looked a bit older.

It replayed in his mind. It was like Kindaichi was translucent as he could still see (M/N) and that girl. Or maybe it was because that image was now burned into his shattered heart and loopy mind.

His eyes glossed a bit, his expression still showed the pain and heartbreak.

His feet moved on their own. He walked to them, his body wasn't connected to his mind. It was screaming at him to just run, but his body was walking closer towards them. He was in no control, but he didn't try to take the reigns back.

He punched (M/N)'s cheek, the female wincing a bit from being pulled away. (M/N) had stumbled a bit and let the female go, holding his cheek.

"Who the fuck-" (M/N)'s glare disappeared at seeing Kunimi. He went quiet, "Aki, baby it's not what it looks... wait a minute-" (M/N) chuckled a bit, "I don't know why I'm trying to explain myself. I did this because I wanted to."

Kunimi felt his heart ripping more. "You're not even going to apologize?!" His voice cracked.

(M/N) hummed, his eyes going into a thoughtful look. "No." He said, turning back to the female.

Kunimi grabbed (M/N)'s shoulder, forcing him to face him. Kunimi was taking deep breath's as to not burst into tears right then and there.

The female ran away at seeing Kindaichi show up and glare at her. He stayed back, not wanting to get involved. He will be here for Kunimi after they leave public eyes.

"why would you do this?!" Kunimi's voice raised, he couldn't feel his heart.

(M/N) shrugged, "No reason, just did."

Kunimi couldn't believe he was hearing, he clutched onto his chest. His tears welling more. He glanced up a bit to not let his tears roll down.

(M/N) kept a blank expression. He turned on his heel, getting ready to leave. He wanted to find that girl again, she seemed like a fun time at night.

Kunimi followed, "Please tell me what I did wrong!"

"You did nothing wrong."

"Then why cheat?" Kunimi's voice showing more hurt than he wanted. "P-please, I love you."

Kunimi was attached to (M/N). He wanted to know what happened to them. Why (M/N) did this? Why can't they go back in time to their puppy love phase where (M/N) was always there for Kunimi? (M/N) would do anything Kunimi wanted with the lift of his finger, and Kunimi loved (M/N). He loved being loved by (M/N).

(M/N) was perfect in his eyes.

"I loved you." (M/N) said, the past tense shattering Kunimi more.

Kunimi didn't want to be left, Kunimi wanted (M/N)'s love. Kunimi wanted (M/N).

Kunimi tripped a bit, his tears now flowing as he could barely see. He stumbled into (M/N)'s back, almost falling if not for (M/N) keeping him upright.

He let Kunimi go and sighed. He maintained eye contact, his blank expression contrasted against Kunimi's teary eyed ones.

"What do you want me to say?" (M/N) finally asked. "Our relationship wasn't going anywhere and I just don't love you anymore. Felt meaningless to keep going."

"So you cheated?! You couldn't have broken up with me."

"It was easier." (M/N) shrugged, his hands in his pockets.

"Y-you're a coward!" Kunimi shouted.

"We both knew that."

"I hate you! Don't ever contact me again!" Kunimi wiped his tears.

"No problem." (M/N) turned and walked away.

Kunimi jumped when he felt Kindaichi put a hand on his shoulder.

"Want the team to kick his ass?" Kindaichi asked.

Kunimi bursted into tears, hugging Kindaichi tightly. His fingers curling into his shirt as he rested his head on Kindaichi's chest.

He couldn't find the words, his sob keeping him choked up. His tears not stopping and he just needed someone to hold him.

Kindaichi had no problem doing that, he kept Kunimi close.


Years had gone by, Kunimi had been in a depression for the first year after their breakup. Kindaichi never left his side and he was there for him.

Two years after that, Kindaichi asked Kunimi out and they went on a couple of dates. Six more years after that they got engaged at the age of 24. They're now 26 and they just got married.

They were at the airport, putting their luggage through luggage claim as they waited for their honeymoon.

They walked to get some coffee before their flight. Holding hands as Kunimi had never been happier. It was everything he needed and more.

They walked a bit, Kunimi stumbled when a little girl hit his legs. She quickly apologized and ran off. Kunimi thought she looked familiar and when he looked to see her being picked up by a male, his eyes widened.

(M/N) was the one to pick the girl up, she looked around three.

"I apologize for her." A female voice said.

Kunimi turned to see the same female (M/N) cheated on him with there. She smiled and walked away, (M/N) smiled upon seeing her and kissing her lips.

Kindaichi squeezed Kunimi's hand. His heart beating with fear.

"Akira?" He softly asked.

Kunimi looked back at Kindaichi, "What a small world." He softly chuckled, tugging Kindaichi and smiling at him. "Now let's go, we got first class seats waiting for us."

Kindaichi relaxed, smiling and kissing Kunimi's cheek. He had Kunimi now, that's all that mattered.

Kunimi loved (M/N), but that was a little over 10 years. Kunimi moved on and he was happy to be with Kindaichi. Because now he loved him, and he realized the person he could never move on from or replace was Kindaichi.

He was no longer hurt by (M/N). (M/N) was the past.

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