SSV-mas Day 19: Role-playing (Anonymous Souls of the Myst)

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Small memories from the past, has he overcome his issues?

LIAM: *rummaging through his things* Professor! Did you see a green box with my name on it!?

PROFESSOR PICKLE: *looks up from coding with Mauricio* No, I haven't. Why?

LIAM: It's really important to me! *sounds a bit frantic*

JANE: Oh, you mean the one from your old home? It's under your bed, bro! 

LIAM: *slaps forehead* Right! I moved it there, didn't I? *rushes up the stairs to his room while the other spit out their drinks* 

JANE: *jumps* E-Eh?!

KHALIDA: *coughs* You said-


KRIOS: *concerned* I expected that, actually, but... 

MAURICIO: *looks at Professor Pickle* You DID mention that Liam has trust issues, right? Does his old house have anything to do with it?

PROFESSOR PICKLE: *sighs* Liam... was kicked out of his home at the age of seven. He was on the run before he met Jane, then they met me and I took them in.

JANE: *looks at her wand* Bro will fight for what's right, sure. But he's also more prone to sticking it out on his own. I don't even know what he had gone through before we met...


LIAM: Alright, phew, it's still here... *smiles slightly, takes out a mask that looks like Oni* it's been so long... *smile drops* Amaris... 

LIAM (Y): *kicks a can on the ground* Darn it! I can't find anything about that myth! *slumps against the alley wall* I really want to know, but who'll tell me what I want to know...?

?: M-Maybe I can help?

LIAM (Y): H-Huh? *looks up* 

AMARIS (Y): *waves with sweater paws, shy smile* H-Hi...! I-I'm Amaris Haral!

LIAM (Y): *confused* I'm... Liam Bane? "Why is he approaching me? Does he want something from me?"

AMARIS (Y): *smiles shyly* N-Nice to meet you! I-I couldn't help but overhear you wanted to know something, s-so maybe I can help?

LIAM (Y): *blinks* How so?

AMARIS (Y): Y-You want to know more about the legend of the Dark Creatures right?

LIAM (Y): *surprised* You know?

AMARIS (Y): Y-You were looking at the book in the book store nearby. *smiles as Liam (Y) blushes* A-Anyway, I'm happy to help if you want to work together! M-My master and I could use a hand!

LIAM (Y): You would... help me? *stunned*

AMARIS (Y): *grins* Of course! He took me in when I didn't have a home! *pauses internally* "Crap, I need to be more careful about what I say. I almost let it slip again."

LIAM (Y): .... *slow smile* I-I would love to. 

AMARIS (Y): T-That's great! M-Maybe as a sign of your joining! *takes out a mask, hands it to him* H-Here! It's really important to me, s-so please keep it safe!

LIAM (Y): *gently takes it* O-Of course! *smiles*  T-Thank you! 

AMARIS (Y): *smiles* T-Then let's go! *turns around, a sinister smile forms* "Perfect."

LIAM: *touches the mask, sighs* Never let anyone get too close. I mean, I did let Jane and Professor in, but the others... *shakes head* Never again. I let my greed get the better of me once, I won't let it do that the second time. 


AMARIS: *closes eyes, whispers* I wish that he hadn't left... 

ORIGOROS: Hm? *looks up from reading the book* You are referring to Liam, no?

AMARIS: *freezes* ... N-Nothing, I know I shouldn't get so attached. 

ORIGOROS: *looks at him* You are not fooling me, boy. *calm* I understand, though. 

AMARIS: *looks down* I-It's just, I... *pulls sweater paws back, scratches his head* I want a friend, I guess? *hesitant* 

ORIGOROS: Amaris, do not feel bad. Emotions are quite irrational. *pats his back*

AMARIS: *smiles a bit* T-Thank you, Sire. "I just hope that he'll come to his senses. Fighting against us... doesn't really benefit you, Liam."

venusaura At this point Origoros became Amaris' master AND his parent tho he'll never admit it. Either that or he's completely unaware lmao XDD

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