Into the Harsh Reality (Crime Contest Entry)

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He checked the newspaper as he yawned, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up. He was fresh out of ideas for that subplot he had been working on. He needed ideas, and the newspaper was always the best place to find said ideas.

As his maroon eyes scanned the titles, though,Takumi noticed a certain headline, and leaned in to focus more on it.

Serial Murder of Crime Fiction Writers Stumps Police!

"Huh?" He blinked. What was this?

His curiosity finally piqued, he read further.

The deaths of a number of writers of successful companies have left the literary world in fear. While the motive behind these gruesome murders remains unknown, the fact remains that these murders are replications of the murders described in the author's book, and this has caused many prospective crime fiction writers to keep their drafts hidden before they become published. However, even these authors are not spared, for they too are found dead with a copy of the manuscript nearby. The police have announced that their investigation has led them to believe that the killer could be an editor or proofreader, and so they advise future writers to keep their guards up.

"Huh... That's weird," Takumi muttered. It was weird. Why would they emulate the murders? What kind of benefit would they gain? Why did they do these crimes? For excitement? For some "noble" purpose?

He didn't know. He was good at creating criminals for his mangas, not at understanding their motives. He was not a psychoanalyst.

Releasing a sigh of exhaustion, he tossed the paper aside. Oh well, it was fine. He would just keep his eye out. Plus, would the killer go after a mangaka? They had little to no reason to! He didn't exactly kill off characters until needed, and being a mangaka was different from being an entirely crime-focused writer.

With that sealing the deal, Takumi decided to return to his work. He was almost done with his latest volume! The climax of the case had finally arrived. He couldn't risk being distracted by anything else, especially not something like this! Grabbing his pencil, he placed his paper down on the table and began, unaware of the pair of scarlet eyes watching him from afar.

The Story Killer's next victim had been found.

A shiver went down his spine, but Takumi paid no heed to that sense of foreboding. He would be fine. He was just tired!

... Oh, if only he knew how wrong he was.


"Someone broke into my apartment. Twice."

Irina Stepanov nearly spat out her drink onto Takumi. "Извините меня!?"

He exhaled as he sipped on his tea. "Yeah, I know. It's pretty weird cause they didn't steal anything."

Irina gave him a concerned look. "Takumi, that's not... Y-You don't think that it was the Story Killer, right?"

"I doubt it." He shrugged. "Why would they go after me? Even then, it's not like I'm that weak."

"D-Don't underestimate that person..." Irina frowned. "I've heard that they're crazy efficient. No fingerprints at all! It's as if the person is a ghost!"

"You make it sound as if death is supposed to scare me," he joked, but noticed her dark expression. "Alright, alright, I get it, sheesh. I'll keep an eye out. Seriously, and you're supposed to be the dark humour expert."

"Death is not to be joked with," She answered simply. Right, her parents...

He sighed, and then said, "If you let me, though, we can launch our own investigation."

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