New Rules are Shown in the Kigan Arc of the Aged Up BF Ace AU!

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AU Bio:

It is an Aged-Up AU where the kids are 17. Before the final battle, Ranma has Yuga brought to him, where Destroyer uses his cells to corrupt Yuga into a new person going by the name of Kigan. However, before he's taken over, Yuga cuts off his Buddy contract with Garga, saving him from the dark fate. This leaves Garga to search for the true meaning of being Buddies as a year after, Kigan shows up to take Garga. He has to team up with the Buddy Police, and Haru as his Buddy has to grow up and take his brother's place as they fight against Kigan. 


Mikado Haru (Age: 16): Haru is excitable, but he is also cautious when Buddyfighting, unable to truly enjoy the game due to worrying about losing. He is burdened by his brother and dad's legacies, which leaves him bitter at his former brother figure Ranma when the truth of Kigan is revealed. Eventually, though, he manages to release this stress and fully embrace his position as Garga's partner, which allows his playing style to become much more exciting and allows him to win more as he continues to play without restrictions. Garga remarks that if Yuga was the sun, Haru was a moon before it broke apart to become a true sun. This is why Garga remains Haru's partner even after Yuga and Ranma are saved.

Kigan (Age: ?? 18): Nothing much is known of the mysterious figure. However, Kigan plays with a Dungeon-Lost Deck named Broken Soul, and has a Buddy Zorune Zorken, though it is speculated that he is but a placeholder for Garga. Halfway through the fight, his mask is broken and it is revealed that Kigan is actually Mikado Yuga, Garga's former Buddy who was taken over by Destroyer's cells. He is portrayed as pretty cold and collected, yet also possessing great instincts and Buddyfighting skills. However, his actions are carefully made according to what Ranma would want. 

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