Everyone has a Speciality in the Pokemon Trainers at Hogwarts AU

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AU Bio:

In this AU, all the Trainers go to Hogwarts. (Either they still have Pokemon or not). They each specialise in different aspects, and chaos occurs. This also takes place in the modern world, and this branch of Hogwarts is for Japanese-descended wizards who migrated to Britain.


This AU can be used by anyone as long as credit is given! Have fun! And do tell me if you use it!


1. Satoshi Kimini (3rd year)

He's a half-blood who specialises in Defence against the Dark Arts. When the Hat scanned him, it found loyalty to be his greatest trait and put him in Hufflepuff. He's a boisterous, practical and less focused on studies person, who does what needs to be done. He's also quite chaotic and has a knack for befriending the weirdest of people, from Kasumi to Gou and Koharu. However, he also has a knack for getting into trouble. Good thing his speciality is DADA. He has a pet Puffskein named Pikachu if he doesn't already have Pikachu.

2. Kasumi Kirifukai (4th year)

She's a Gryffindor pureblood whose hometown is in Scotland, living near the sea her entire life. She has a slight accent to match, and she specialises in Defence against the Dark Arts too, which leads her to have competitions with Satoshi often. However, they also work together well, and have worked together on numerous occasions to fight off threats. She has a pet Hippocampus if she doesn't already have Koduck.

3. Takeshi Nibi (7th year)

He's a Ravenclaw and the pureblood is proud of it. He's also an aspiring archeologist who desires to learn more about the past through the ancient stories of the stones he finds, which is why he specialises in Ancient Magic. As a result, he's always found searching for them-- or girls. He's looking for girls to woo over, although Kasumi is always there to ensure that he doesn't act out of line. He has tons of younger siblings, and cares for them during the holidays. If he doesn't have a Haganeil, he has a Horned Serpent with its name.

4. Shigeru Ookido (3rd year)

He's Satoshi's childhood friend whose expertise lies in the Study of Ancient Runes, and he's a half-blood too. He is arrogant and aloof on the outside, but he genuinely cares for his friends and is just expressing it differently, which is why he was put into Hufflepuff. He is also Headmaster Ookido's grandson. He has a pet Grindylow named Kamex if he doesn't have Kamex.

5. Musashi Yumeooku (6th year)

She's a friend of Nurse Joy in the pharmacy and spends time there in her spare time, which is why she is an expert in Healing. She is part of Slytherin despite being a muggle, and has a crush on Kojiro. While seeming overdramatic, she is actually a really caring person and does her best to heal the idiots who get hurt on a daily basis (read: Satoshi). If she doesn't have an Arbok, she has a Runespoor with its name, and a Boggart named Sonansu.

6. Kojiro Shinji (6th year)

Specialising in Defence against the Dark Arts too, Kojiro comes from a rich pureblood family that he refuses to be associated with. Because of this, he tries to help others the best he can, although he overcompensates a lot. He tends to use a lot of money too (from his part-time job during the summer) and is teased about being a fashionista. He has a Puffskein named Growlie if he doesn't have Growlie.

7. Nyarth (teaching assistant)

Nyarth is a Nekomata (if there are no Pokemon in the world) who is an assistant teacher for Care for Magical Creatures. He's close friends with Musashi and Kojiro, having started the year they did, and they spend time together often with Sonansu. He's very knowledgeable but tends to derp a lot with Satoshi, since they share a brain cell. He can also talk to other Pokemon/mythical creatures, getting along especially well with Pikachu, Growlie and Arbok.

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