The Lonely Great White Shark (Bedtime Story Attempt)

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A long long time ago, in the vast ocean, there lived a great white shark. The shark lived its days with a sad frown on its face. All alone, he would be seen eating alone, playing alone, and even sleeping alone. When he was approached, what did he do? He swam away, his tail swaying left and right as he left the person there.

The poor shark was closed off from others. He thought that no one would want to be his friend, because he was the big hungry shark, who had to eat smaller fish to live. Every fish swam away from him, and it made him think that he would forever be lonely. The poor shark gave up on trying, when he shouldn't have. 

That all changed, though. One day, as he was swimming like usual, a small fish approached him. A small fish, what would come to be known as the stout infantfish, one of the smallest fish alive, was curious about the shark, who others had always said was cruel and evil. That they would be swallowed up by him without a second thought. The little infantfish didn't think so, believing that perhaps he was simply misunderstood, as he was. 

And so, when he swam up to him, the great white shark was surprised. 'Is he not scared of me?' He thought. The mere idea was so unbelievable to him. He shook his head left and right as soon as it came into mind. That was impossible. He couldn't believe it at all. 

But the little infantfish asked, "Mister Shark, why do you not want any friends?"

"What do you mean, why do I not want any friends? Everyone doesn't want to be friends with me because I'm the big hungry shark!" argued the shark. 

"But do you believe you don't want friends?" asked the fish. So simple yet so profound was the question that it made the shark think.

'Do I want friends?' He thought to himself. He didn't think he wanted them, but there was... a small voice. A kid's voice, saying, 'I want friends. I don't wanna be alone.'

Who was that voice? Why, it was his heart, of course! The poor shark hadn't been told before that he could have friends! That he had to grow up fast so he could prey on hungry fish! But... Was that really okay? Were all the people who stayed away from him, who called him a disgrace right? 

This left the shark confused, so he asked, "You're not scared of me? Even though I could eat you up easily?"

"Why would I?" the infantfish asked back. "You're a fish just like me. And I wanna be friends with you. I'm lonely too. No one wants to play with me either..." 

Hearing this, the shark was surprised. This little fish was lonely too. But how? "You're not scary or anything. You don't have to eat other fish to live... So why don't they like you?"

The little fish answered, "Because I'm so small. They laugh at me all day and say, 'Oh, infantfish, infantfish, how minuscule you are! With one big gulp, you can be turned into pulp!' But you've never done that before... You must be a nice guy!" 

"You must be a nice guy." This was the first time the great white shark had ever heard of someone calling him that. He was really touched, and before he knew it, tears leaked out of his eyes. "Y-You really think so? E-Even if I'm scary?"

"You're not scary! You're just misunderstood!" the infantfish reassured him, a bit concerned about the tears. He wasn't about to be eaten, right?...

No, instead, the infantfish felt a gentle nuzzle on his nose. The great white shark had a soft smile on his face. He knew now, that he had been wrong. He had shut off himself from the rest of the world. He had been self-centered, never trying to interact with others when he should have kept trying. 

His mindset had been wrong all along. He had closed it off, believing what others had said and keeping to himself. 

But perhaps that wasn't the true answer. Perhaps he should have opened his heart up, trying and trying again. 

Giving up, he realised, was the gravest mistake he had made. 

And as he turned to the small fish, so young yet so wise, he smiled and thanked him for his words. "Of course I want to be friends with you! If you'll let me!"

Hearing this, the infantfish's eyes widened, but he soon smiled as well. He had finally found a friend, who hadn't turned his back on him after he told them his opinion... The poor thing had been treated badly due to how he would just tell others what he thought of them, and it had never ended well. 

Yet, perhaps, that was how he could find a true friend, thought the infantfish. And to be frank? He didn't mind being friends with the shark. The shark seemed pretty cool!

From then on, the two became friends, and found that their worlds had been expanded. They tried new things together, they encouraged each other. And even though they were often seen together, they set their boundaries and made sure to respect the other. When others came and tried to tease them with insults, the shark scared them off, while the infantfish told the shark stories that made him roar with laughter. 

Their friendship lasted even as they grew older, and as they matured, instead of growing apart, they grew closer. They had their fights and arguments, but at the end of the day, they always made up.

Friendship is hard. It can hurt you, it can sting, but once you find the people you truly click with, you will find that your perception of the world can only grow and grow! 

And so, with that, they lived happily ever after. The end. 

Whew! First bedtime story attempt for Wuliang! What do you guys think?

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