A New Trio is Formed in the Swapped Stories Shadowside-Ghost Game World!

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AU Bio: 

An AU where the casts for Digimon Ghost Game and Youkai Watch Shadowside are switched. Their main partners remain the same, although they are adjusted to fit the storyline better, and some plot elements are brought from their original show.


Nomura Koutarou x Amanokawa Hiro, Tsukiyono Ruri x Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro, Arihoshi Akinori x Tsukinami Touma x Amano Natsume x Himeno Ayame


Ghost Game: 

1. Amano Natsume (replaces Amanokawa Hokuto)

She disappeared when Keisuke got into elementary school, leaving a mystery behind for her friends and brother. No one knows where she went, but her brother grows bitter because of this. During an unknown time, she meets and takes in Banchoumon, who becomes Keisuke's partner. She also created a Digivice called the Elda Digivice, and left it in Keisuke's hands. 

2. Amano Keisuke (replaces Amanokawa Hiro)

After his sister's disappearance, Keisuke grows bitter and angry, choosing to stay away from anyone and everyone, especially since he had lost his only friend, Kenji, to an accident as well. However, after meeting Digimon and Banchoumon, he takes a liking to Banchoumon and becomes his partner. Keisuke may seem obnoxious and dumb at first glance, but he notices things others don't and uses it to his advantage, also having a soft side. He still snarks a lot to hide the pain in his heart, even if the others can see the true him behind the mask.

3. Arihoshi Akinori (replaces Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro)

Akinori was one of Natsume's closest friends with Touma, so her disappearance impacts him greatly, becoming secluded and a bit obsessed with finding her. This leads him to distance himself from Touma, focusing on studying so he can get a degree to know more and more. However, he eventually comes back to Japan, ready to find out what happened to Natsume. He cares a lot for his friends, and uses his vast knowledge of technology and urban legends, even founding a forum so they can investigate.

4. Tsukinami Touma (original role)

Touma was another of Natsume's closest friends, and he had a crush on her even after she vanished, so even if he was bullied for being friendless, he continues to believe Natsume will come back. He spends time with Akinori after the disappearance and helps Akinori in a lot of things. He trusts his friends and Ougumon in dangerous situations, even willing to sacrifice himself for them, but it's a recklessness no one likes. Despite this, his kindness and care are present in every interaction he makes. 

5. Himeno Ayame (replaces Tsukiyono Ruri)

She is naturally curious and a bit interested in Youkai mythology, so she begins investigating Hologram Ghosts. However, this attracts Devimon and she falls prey to his inspiriting until Keisuke, Akinori and Touma meet her and help her defeat the Digimon with the help of Jorogumon. She is optimistic and always curious, asking questions about Digimon and their world a lot, and is always with Keisuke to ask questions about them. Despite that, she begins developing a healthy fear for their abilities, and begins understanding them more, trying her best to be kind to everyone, which more or less makes her popular with others. 

6. Banchoumon (replaces Gammamon) -> BoureiBanchoumon, ManjiBanchoumon

Banchoumon is a rare type of Digimon whose soul was formed in the human world after his death; he was known as Kenji before his death, although only Natsume knows this fact. Because of this, he's very kind and caring even if he's frustrated he can't remember anything from his past. He doesn't push Keisuke out of his comfort zone, and instead provides a space for Keisuke to cry when he's overwhelmed. He is a proficient fighter, mainly with his fists, and he doesn't like seeing his friends hurt. He is the final one to achieve his evolution, although he also has a dark evolution named ManjiBanchoumon, triggered when he is forced to watch his partner suffer in silent agony.

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