SSV-mas Day 13: Prison Break (Suppressed Emotions)

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A quiet sign, something hidden is revealed, where can one's lost items be found in a prison?

SCHRIK: "Never have I wanted to hit someone hard as I do now. YOU IDIOTS!" 

GUARD: Move it! *roughly pushes MK and Chiro into the building in front of them* 

MK: HEY! That hurts! A LOT! 

CHIRO: UGH! You and your stupid master are going to PAY! *can't transform right now, too weak*

GUARD: Yeah, you and what army? *smirks* Your "friend" ran out on you. NOW GET IN THERE! *kicks them in, their voices fade away*

SCHRIK: *groans* "I TOLD them to be careful! Barn-um is uncharted territory no one had ever stepped into, not even NiGHTS or LUCYrE! But of course, both get themselves in trouble! Seriously, are their heads EMPTY or something!? I don't even have LUCYrE around!" *rubs temple* Okay, Schrik, just gotta figure out how to get in there. It's four storeys tall, only way in and out seems to be the entrance in front of me, but there could be more... There are windows too. I could try to sneak in and pretend to be a guard...

SCHRIK: *pauses, gears start to turn* Or, I show up, beat up those weaklings and get them out of there fast. *grins* My old form sure comes in handy once in a while. Those claws will probably rip the ropes up. ... *shakes head* No, don't take chances... or can I...? *eyes land on some soldiers nearby, ducks* Alright. Guess all those times beating people up for funsies is finally coming in handy. *grins menacingly as he turns around* Why, hello there. *his face morphs into a snake's* Would you like to dance with me?

SOLDIERS: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *try to run, but soon in a pile as Schrik dusts himself off* 

SCHRIK: *grins, puts on the armour on himself then grabs a spear* I'm no fighter, but I'll take my chances. *inhales, starts towards the prison, soon arrives at the front as he joins the procession* "Just gotta wait for a while, the first corner I'll turn and get out of this armour. Seriously, this thing is WAY too tight. I'd rather fight without armour..." *once the corner shows up, he slowly slips awa-*

GUARD: HALT! What are you doing away from your line? 

SCHRIK: "CRAP." *thinks hard* Sir, I was assigned to another area by Master MANdELA, and I was simply switching lanes.

GUARD: *frowns, stares at him* 

SCHRIK: "STOP STARING!!!" *is actually sweating, he RARELY gets nervous, staring is not something he's used to* Sir...?

GUARD: *frowns, but nods* Very well, carry on. I suppose the master is truly fickle in his own way. 

SCHRIK: *salutes* Thank you, Sir. *walks away until he reaches an empty hallway, immediately throws it all away* ****ing ****, never again am I doing this. *sighs* I don't want to think how the MT people will react to them. *begins walking* Alright, where the heck would they be...? *looks around, sees lots of people captured, frowns, can sense their emotions* That pseudo-Nightmaren is something else, alright. Pure evil... I'm glad LUCYrE and NiGHTS aren't like that. *has met the other Nightmaren with his Dualised partners, shivers, then a teal green Ideya leaves his body* The Trauma Ideya? What the...? *it begins flying off* W-Wait! 


MK: *groans* Of all the things to happen right now...! *kicks at air, the two are hanging slightly over the ground* I'm glad Schrik got away at least. 

CHIRO: Same here. I hope he's far away from here... *sighs* We can get out of this ourselves. Just need some time to recuperate.

MK: Yeah... Monkey King ain't gonna be happy about this. Macaque would just be the half-amused half-done-with-me guy.

CHIRO: Oh, don't remind me. Alice would stare at me for months. *silence* ... Hey, MK?

MK: Yeah? *looks over* 

CHIRO: have you... ever felt like someone was familiar even though you had just met them?

MK: *blinks* Not really. Why? 

CHIRO: *shrugs* I... feel that way about Schrik. Like there's something familiar about him, but I can't put my finger on what it is. 

MK: Huh, that's weird. 

CHIRO: I know, but it's been there since we first met him. I just... I don't know.

MK: Maybe it'll come with time. I mean, I don't know where I came from, either, but I've learnt to just accept it as it is. Maybe you'll find the answer, maybe you won't. But until then, I think you can appreciate Schrik as a friend, right?

CHIRO: I... You have a point, MK. *smiles* Thanks. 

MK: No worries, Chiro! Plus, we're going to be here a while so- *hears the sound of footsteps, wait, are those sneakers?* Hang on...

CHIRO: No one here uses sneakers, except me, and I'm here so... *remembers Schrik's outfit* He, he can't have... *door opens*

SCHRIK: *Iduya returns back into him, sighs* Alright, too much cardio. I'm supposed to be in a dream but I've run more than I ever have in real life! *smiles a bit* I'm glad you two are okay, though. 

MK: Schrik! You--

SCHRIK: I may not be comfortable with people in general, but it doesn't mean I'll let people be caught by a psychopathic Nightmaren-alien thingie. Especially you two. You guys have people back in the waking world waiting for you to wake up. *cutscenes to the Hyperforce waiting for the two and MK's friends losing it trying to find him* *smiles* Gosh, you two are a real piece of work, aren't ya?

CHIRO: *eyes widen, a memory of someone smiling, so warmly, echoes in his mind* "What the...? Is this from before Skeleton King....? But I've never remembered this before..!"

SCHRIK: Anyway! *swings spear, cuts them free* We should get out of here before they find out- *alarms ring out* Well, never mind. Time to make a run for it. You two ready? *holds his hands out* 

MK: Course! *takes his hand*

CHIRO: *blinks, but smiles and takes his other hand* let's do this! 

SCHRIK: *feels warm out of nowhere, grins even more* Time to bust ourselves right out of prison! 

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