Pandemic and Card Games (DanHiro AU Oneshot)

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Proofread by XenoSaiyan. Thanks!

"Hey, Dan, whatcha doing?"

"Just rearranging my deck," the 15-year-old shrugged while placing the cards in order.

"Ah, that sorta makes sense," Ajit hummed as he did the same for his deck. "Any new Action cards from the stores?"

"No new Bakugan to roll out at the moment," he answered. "Ugh, this is ridiculous. This pandemic thing really messed things up."

"I feel you too much," Ajit agreed while getting the Bakuballs out to place them in their usual box. "Anyway, though, we have a new tenant coming in. He's sharing with us apparently. Helps cut costs and all that, y'know. He also plays cards too!"

"Wait really?! Does he play Bakugan!?"

"I don't think he does," he said. "I think it was Digimon?"

"Oh that one, it's actually kinda cool!" Dan remarked.
"You collect the cards, I'm not even surprised," Ajit said drily.

"You don't complain when your boyfriend collects Tomphy cards," he snarked back.

"Why are you even surprised? It's Shun."

"... Point taken."

Dan snorted at that, but said, "It's actually really fun. You guys should get into it as well." "Maybe," Ajit said. "But either way, let's go clear up your mess, Dan."

"HEY! It's not just my mess! Who's the one who keeps hoarding Aurelus Bakugan!?"

"I mean, you're not wrong-" Ajit smirked just as the doorbell rang, making both of them stop as they shared a panicked look. He was here already!?

"Oh no oh no oh no!!!!!" Dan immediately sprinted to the spare room, which the two had somehow managed to keep clean over the few years of sharing an apartment while out of his parents' house, grabbing the extra stuff they had kept there for storage before rushing back to his room to drop them off, Ajit doing the same thing because of their Bakuhunting all the time.

Once they were done Dan quickly dusted himself and headed to the door, praying that he looked somewhat presentable. He didn't want his future roommate to think he made a mess of the room! ... Well, most of the time at least. 50% of the time, the other 50% was Ajit.

As he opened the door, though, he froze up at how... how cute this kid was.

They seemed to be younger than him, but their eyes shone with a maturity he had never seen before in anyone, not even Magnus. They even carried a tired aura around them.

He knew that their apartment was for those who couldn't return home too, so maybe...

It was rude too, so he decided to start the conversation, "Hi! Are you our new roommate?"

"Yeah, I'm Amanokawa Hiro," the other answered.

"Pronouns?" Dan asked.


"Nice! I can use both he and she," he smiled. "But he is preferred. Nice to meet you, Hiro. Are you Japanese-American as well?'

"Yeah," Hiro nodded, seeming surprised. "How did you know?"

"A guess," She shrugged. "I'm one too, to be honest. Your name is quite easy to distinguish as a Japanese name but considering your English sounds native I'm guessing you're used to English as a default language."

"That's cool!" Hiro smiled a bit."Although I do hope that you don't mind my younger brother staying with us here."

Younger brother?

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