Chapter Eighty-Two

Start from the beginning

Jasper raised an eyebrow. "Business? What kind of business involves helping people escape weddings? Is there a secret organization for runaway brides?"

Carmen couldn't help but burst into laughter. "No, nothing like that," she shook her head, watching from the corner of her eye as Molly rolled her eyes and mumbled 'idiot.' She continued, "But it does mean that he helps people with all kinds of odd needs. Maybe he gets something in return too."

Molly leaned forward, her eyes narrowing in thought. "What if he's involved in some sort of underground network? You know, assisting people for certain services, and they owe him a debt or something in return. When one of my uncles was in intelligence, he used to talk about this stuff all the time."

Jasper frowned, feeling annoyed for some reason. "Guys, you're getting ahead of yourselves. I'm sure that man is not that complicated. I mean, what kind of business is that? It makes no sense."

"Why are you acting like we live in some kind of plastic world?" Molly grew more than just irritated at his behaviour, the way he was refusing to believe what she was saying could be true, as if he had been living under a rock all his life. "Just because you have lived a privileged life doesn't mean everyone out there has the luxury to have the same. There are all kinds of bad people in the world. There are some that we see, and then there are some that we don't even know exist. But that's only because that's how they run their illegal business. They stay in the dark so no one would ever know them."

Usually, Jasper could be seen backing down in front of Molly or turning her words into something funny, but this time, his face pinched, and he snapped. "Do you even hear yourself? You make it sound like we are in some sort of James Bond movie. I think what you urgently need right now is nothing but a reality check."

Molly's frustration peaked. "James Bond or not, the world isn't as simple as you want to believe. Maybe you need to open your eyes and realize that not everyone has a carefree, privileged existence. There are things out there that are far darker and more complex than your superficial understanding."

Jasper crossed his arms, a defiant look on his face. "I'm not saying the world is perfect, but you're exaggerating things. This isn't some crime thriller, and Simon isn't some shadowy figure orchestrating illegal activities from behind the curtain. I mean, for God's sake, how could you be so stupid?"

Molly's eyes flashed with anger. "Stupid? Really? You think I'm stupid for considering possibilities beyond your sheltered reality? Maybe it's time for you to wake up and see that the world isn't all rainbows and butterflies."

Jasper scoffed, dismissive. "I live in the real world, not some paranoid fantasy. You've been watching too many movies."

"Jasper! I swear if you say another word, I'll kill you."

By then, Jasper and Molly were practically at each other's throats, staring each other down.

Carmen, unsure of what had suddenly gotten into the two, glanced over at Ronin, wondering if it was finally time to intervene and pull them away before they scratched each other's faces. But to her absolute surprise, he seemed to be occupied with typing something on his phone.

"What the hell?" She wondered, frowning. How could he ignore something so brazenly?

Carmen decided she couldn't just sit there and watch the argument escalate. She got up, walked over to Molly and Jasper, and firmly placed herself between them.

"Okay, enough!" Carmen exclaimed, looking at both of them with a stern expression. "We're all stressed, and we need to focus on what's important here. Fighting among ourselves won't help. Do you hear me? Now, can we please just take a step back and calm down?"

They both glared at each other, grinding their jaws, but thankfully backed off all the same. However, not before growling at each other. "I hate you!"

And then, they were gone, stomping away in different directions.

Carmen's jaw? Practically on the floor.

But before she could comment on how weird the two of them were acting, Ronin appeared behind her and finally spoke. "What the heck just happened?"

Carmen poked the inside of her cheek, almost on the verge of rolling her eyes but barely holding back. She turned to face him, glaring. "This is on you."

"Excuse me?" He frowned, handsome face twisting in respect. "What did I do now?"

Carmen didn't say, just huffed and made a beeline for her room upstairs, leaving Ronin behind to scratch his head and probably question his life choices.

Carmen didn't say, just huffed and made a beeline for her room upstairs, leaving Ronin behind to scratch his head and probably question his life choices

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A/N: lol what the hell happened to these two? Any guesses? :P

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