Me, an aunt, who doesn't even know the names of your three kids, I'm sorry. I was never there. I was always in my own little world, basically uncaring to the others that didn't directly effect me but now-

How am I supposed to tell your kids that you are dead? Their mother?

Cake you have to guide me, I'm sorry for not listening before. I'm not ready to be on my own, no, please.

I'm not strong enough.

I'll never be strong enough.

And I realize that there is no way to bring her back. There is no ally of mine that possesses any sort of strength in medicines or healings so I am essentially without a family.

My heart is pounding, and sweating, and breaking into millions of shards that slam right back into my other organs. All over my body, I am simply breaking, cutting, dying from the inside out.

Cake, can you bandage these wounds?

My dry eyes retract from Cake, to the floor, to Marshall who is pouncing on top of a pink blob. That pink blob being Gumball and I think now that it must take a truly horrible person to take one person away from another.

Yet, I've done that so many times. Each monster or foe I kill, he or she-they have a family of their own, yes? Someone who will miss them after I finish them off? 

So I suppose I must be the worst type of person there is. Worse than Magic Woman, worse than Gumb-

"Fionna?" Marshall huffed, quickly holding out his arms so that as he was floating towards me, his arm hit my legs, forcing my knees to buckle and my body to rest in his arms. "Snap out of it hey- why are you up here? When did you wake up?"

"Hi." I forced out, my throat dry and confused as to what it should really be saying.

" he had tried to kill me but then all of the sudden Cake just comes and jumps in front like a fucking idiot I told her to stay back and I'm so sorry but she was smiling the entire time and hey! Are you listening to me?" Oh, he was talking again? 

His salty tears plopped themselves on my face, rolling down my cheeks as if they were my own. But they were not, for I was not crying. Why?

I was hurting so much yet not a single tear could make its way down my face. Isn't that what you do when you're sad?? You cry? So why?

Marshall's tears continued to plop onto me as he carried me far away from that dreaded room, Gumball staying behind as I just now noticed- he was bleeding?

The salty water droplets pressed themselves against my lips and I happily licked them away. I will drink up Marshall's sadness, as he has done for me so many times before. Not in this exact way, but in other, better ways, in which I could never compare.

Maybe that is why I couldn't cry now. Because Marshall had all my tears. Marshall had all my sadness, he took it all away from me...slowly, slowly, day by day. 

I couldn't speak, and my dry eyes said nothing against Marshall's pleading oceans but still I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to take in his tears. He was blaming himself. I couldn't let him continue.

My face rested in the crook of his neck as I shoved our still injured bodies closer together. I sniffed him in, his smell being more potent than before. I could almost smile.

His tears now traced the side and back of my neck, becoming sticky and uncomfortable but it most definitely wasn't the worst thing in the world. I didn't know where we were going but I had to stop him from babbling on once again. 

" fault, I'm sorry, I checked so long, so many times and she's gone like really gone and it's all me, my fault s-"

"I love you." I whispered, my voice slightly cracking but feeling better than before.

"H-Huh?" his neck began to turn red, along with the tips of his ears. I pressed my forehead against his blushing neck, gaining a peaceful warmth along with slight satisfaction that he had lost his thought process to my words. 

"I... said I love you. So... be...quiet. It's not your fault."

Slowly, as we kept zooming through hallways, making it outside somehow without being stopped, I realized that Marshall's tears had stopped flowing.

I looked up at the vampire king, his eyes no longer a burning rage of red, but a normal, cool brown. His fangs no longer protruding but a normal size, as they should be.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to ask him if he was finally alright and where we were going, he decided to finally speak in a calm sentence. Four words that made my broken insides thump with warmth.

"I love you, Fionna."


literally written between 1:00-2:something a.m. so definitely not the best

uh i felt like writing & didn't post anything last sunday so?? here? oops? hehe

also, i tried to get some emotions through but?? im a failure apparently 

of course, not edited lol 

wow, thanks for continuing to read you inspire me beyond belief~

p.s. i would do a song but im too lazy its like 2:30 am and i am not a person who usually stays up this late haha also i dont even think people listen to the songs, am i wrong? (i just like sharing my fav weird songs with you guys haha) oops byee~

thank you so much, 


Adventures In AAA With Fionna and Marshall Lee [original]Where stories live. Discover now