55: The Young Master's AI Butler (8)

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Lu Zheng stared at Jiang Tang for a long time. After all the parents in the class had arrived and the counselor had stood in front of the stage and started speaking, he withdrew his gaze and lowered his eyes.

--Unconditionally defend him and stand on his side.

Lu Zheng knew that there was favoritism in this world, just like his parents who had always unconditionally defended his brother Lu Yisi.

He knew it, but Lu Zheng had never expected that he would get such preference.

But now...

Lu Zheng secretly glanced at the people around him from the corner of his eye.

The young man sat upright and looked at the counselor on the stage with a calm expression. He seemed to be listening very seriously.

Reason told Lu Zheng that S001 would protect him in this way just because he is an artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence naturally obeys the actions of the system chip.

The chip says that to protect the master, artificial intelligence must protect the master.

This kind of maintenance is not out of preference, it is just a cold procedure, an order that artificial intelligence cannot disobey.


Lu Zheng remembered what S001 said again.

S001 said that he has almost human judgment ability and he believes in him.

In the field of AI, Lu Zheng's talent is no worse than Lu Yisi's. He naturally knows that AI with its own thoughts does not currently exist.

No matter how smart and intelligent the AI ​​is, it will only follow the set program.

But for some reason, Lu Zheng had a vague feeling.

S001...seems to be different.

Is it because it's too human?

Lu Zheng was not sure.

But he always felt that S001, as an artificial intelligence, always gave him a close and gentle feeling.

It was just like how he felt when facing his parents and elder brother when he had not given up on family ties when he was young.

The longing for family affection that wants to get close but is afraid to get close.

Although it is only artificial intelligence, after spending the past few days together, Lu Zheng feels that S001 is more like a family member.

Like a real brother.

Lu Zheng's fingertips tapped on the table unconsciously. The counselor's voice went in and out of one ear, but he didn't even hear a word.

It wasn't until a shadow fell next to him that Lu Zheng suddenly came back to his senses.

The counselor came to the last row at some point, handed a report card to Jiang Tang, and then turned back to the stage.

"The monthly test scores of all students have been distributed. Parents, please take a look."

It turned out to be transcripts.

......etc! Transcript!

Lu Zheng's fingertips jumped suddenly, and he suddenly felt guilty.

His grades -

"...all zero points?" A gentle voice said in surprise, "Master, did I read that correctly?"

Lu Zheng: "..."

"Even a three-year-old child scribbles the answers on the answer sheet casually. , and you won't get zero points in all subjects." Jiang Tang complained mercilessly, "Master, in a way, you are indeed very talented."

Lu Zheng looked out the window with a guilty conscience.

Jiang Tang asked: "Did you not take the exam? Did you abandon the exam? Or..." The

gentle voice paused for a second, "Did you hand in a blank paper?"

Lu Zheng: "."


Got guessed.

The people around me stopped talking.

Lu Zheng curled his fingertips nervously, feeling even more guilty.

This was the first time since he was born that he experienced the embarrassment and nervousness of being called a parent because of poor grades.

Even before, Lu Zheng had never felt so nervous when the school called his parents.

But for some reason, Lu Zheng just didn't want to see S001's disappointed expression.

The person next to him sighed softly.

Lu Zheng's heart shrank and he turned his gaze to the window as if to escape, trying to catch the birds hiding among the dense leaves to distract himself.

Then he heard the people around him say: "It's my fault."

Lu Zheng was startled.

"I should have learned about the young master's situation in school earlier, instead of waiting until now..." Jiang Tang sighed, "In such an environment, even if the young master wants to learn, it will definitely be difficult for him to calm down and learn."

Lu Zheng opened his mouth, feeling a little ridiculous and even more guilty.

Jiang Tang changed the subject: "But don't worry, young master, with me here, I will definitely work out the most perfect study plan for you! Let you make the greatest progress in the shortest time!" Lu Zheng: "...?


Why are you so excited all of a sudden?

Jiang Tang looked at him and asked, "Master, are you confident?"

Despite the young man's gentle and expectant gaze, Lu Zheng was unable to say anything that disappointed him.

So he nodded and said in a muffled voice: "Yes."

... What a terrible parent-teacher meeting.


After the parent-teacher meeting, the school dismissed the students early and gave them a half-day break.

It was already noon when he returned home. As soon as Lu Zheng entered the house, he smelled the rich mutton soup.

Jiang Tang has already brought out the mutton soup. It is still a full pot, and it is especially delicious with rice from the rice cooker.

"Before I went out, I had already stewed the mutton soup." Jiang Tang said, "Master, the mutton whip soup is more potent. I have prepared some cold soup to dispel fire. You can eat it together." Lu Zheng was stunned


Yes, lamb soup!

The parent-teacher meeting in the morning disturbed his mind, and he almost forgot about it.

Lu Zheng took a deep look at Jiang Tang and started to show off while holding the pot.

He wanted to see what was going on with the 'dream' that had been bothering him for so long!

The strong nature of the sheep whip soup was no joke. Not long after lunch, Lu Zheng noticed the long-lost dryness in his body.

Lu Zheng returned to the room calmly, took a shower, changed clothes, lay on the bed and took a nap, and fell asleep quite skillfully in the dryness.

After he fell asleep, Jiang Tang, who switched to hidden mode, opened the door to the room again.

This time, Jiang Tang used a smaller dose of sleeping fragrance.

Without any guidance from Jiang Tang, the boy on the bed held his waist tightly.

A smile flashed across Jiang Tang's eyes, and he kissed Lu Zheng's hot lips.

After everything was over, Jiang Tang sat up holding the boy's shoulders, trying to calm his breathing, and vaguely glanced in the direction of the bedside table from the corner of his eye.

He knew that there was a miniature monitor hidden there.

Not only are there, there are several special monitors hidden at the end of the bed, beside the bed, and even in the chandelier overhead.

Jiang Tang curled his lips.

His lover had indeed made adequate preparations in order to capture the evidence.

Jiang Tang lowered his gaze, put on his clothes, and left the bedroom before the boy woke up.

When Lu Zheng woke up from his dream, the sky outside was already getting dark.

When what happened in the dream was replayed in his mind, Lu Zheng didn't feel surprised. He even had a sense of understanding that it was indeed so.

He calmly handled himself and went straight to the secret base in the basement.

Lu Zheng didn't forget to ask S001 to join him.

This time with all the witnesses and evidence, he didn't believe that S001 would deny it as before.

After arriving in the basement, Lu Zheng quickly turned on the newly installed monitoring system and adjusted the time to the time when he started taking a nap, in his bedroom.

Surveillance images from four different cameras appeared on the huge light screen, clearly capturing the entire bedroom, or more specifically, Lu Zheng's bed, from all directions.

Jiang Tang stood behind Lu Zheng and asked in surprise, "Master, have you installed surveillance cameras in your bedroom?" "That's right." Lu Zheng nodded and admitted, "Shh, don't talk yet." What's the matter


Talking about surveillance, Lu Zheng narrowed his eyes.

He wants S001 to see the facts and not be able to say anything in defense!

In the picture, Lu Zheng, wearing a bathrobe, was lying on the bed. After tossing and turning for a while, he gradually fell into sleep.

Not long after, the door of the bedroom under surveillance was pushed open from the outside, and S001's figure appeared in the camera.

Lu Zheng's eyes lit up and he thought.

In the surveillance video, the young man walked to the bed, took off his clothes, and then sat on the bed with his long legs.

The young man who was already asleep on the bed seemed to be aware of it. He suddenly raised his hand and held it tightly on the young man's waist.

The young man seemed to smile, then leaned forward, and the two began to kiss in this position.

The surveillance camera located on the bedside table clearly captured the expressions of the two people.

The boy's cheeks were red and his eyes were obviously closed, as if he was half asleep, but he still firmly occupied the dominant position during the kiss.

The young man with a delicate face was breathing slowly. When the two ended the long kiss and the young man raised his head again, his fair and handsome face was already a blush, and even the ends of his raised eyes were stained with a thin layer of red.

What happened next, even though Lu Zheng was thick-skinned, he really couldn't watch it with S001, so he stopped playing as soon as he felt good.

The four video frames stopped at the same time. Lu Zheng turned back to look at the young man standing behind him and asked in a deep voice: "Do you have anything to explain to me?" Jiang Tang's face was solemn: "Young Master." Lu Zheng


. "I want to hear what kind of flowers you can make up," I said to myself.

But I heard a hint of condemnation in the young man's gentle voice: "Master, having needs is a very normal thing, but we need to use reasonable and legal ways to solve the needs, not like this..."

He paused, "Using AI technology to change faces, change scenes, and create such false videos is obviously an illegal thing." Lu Zheng: "...?" He subconsciously touched his ears, thinking that he heard


. , "What?"

"This is wrong of you." Jiang Tang sighed, "I didn't know that there was such a big problem with the education you received before. From today on, I will urge you to study all major federal laws. Regulations."

He paused and then asked, "You didn't spread these videos, did you?"

Lu Zheng didn't react for a while, and said in a daze: "No..."

"That's good." Jiang Tang breathed a sigh of relief. , "You'd better delete these videos as soon as possible. If they are accidentally spread, it will not have a good impact on you."

Lu Zheng: "...?"

What and what?

He obviously knew all the words spoken by the young man, but why was it that he couldn't understand them after they were combined into sentences?

Lu Zheng's expression was blank.

After a while, he finally reacted: "Do you think those videos... were fabricated by me?" The

gentle young man did not respond directly, only said: "Master, during your lunch break, I will also enter light sleep with you. State. Even if sleepwalking is possible, I will not do such a thing to you." "

A normal artificial intelligence will not behave like this." Jiang Tang said firmly, "Please don't Continue to go astray."

Lu Zheng: "..."

He closed his eyes, feeling a little angry and a little aggrieved.

But he can see that S001 is really unaware now.

The performance of S001 was too perfect, as if it was a programmed response.

Lu Zheng was suddenly startled.


The young man beside him urged again, his voice gentle but with irresistible force: "Master, please delete the video."

A thoughtful look flashed in Lu Zheng's eyes.

Without waiting for S001 to urge him a third time, he quickly deleted the indescribable video in the bedroom and shredded it.

Jiang Tang showed a pleased expression: "This is the right thing, young master. Please try your best to be a law-abiding federal citizen."

Lu Zheng hummed absentmindedly.

When the young man left the secret base and went upstairs to the kitchen to prepare dinner, Lu Zheng clicked on the videos from other surveillance cameras in the house.

The time was adjusted to the time when he would go back to his room to take a nap. Lu Zheng first found S001 in the camera seat in the kitchen.

At that time, he had just returned to the room and was not asleep yet, while S001 was cleaning the kitchen.

About ten minutes later, the young man left the kitchen and came to the sofa in the living room. He sat on the soft single sofa and closed his eyes as if he had entered a 'light sleep state'.

Lu Zheng waited patiently for a moment while holding his breath, and sure enough the other party opened his eyes again.

A flash of blue light disappeared.

Lu Zheng was slightly startled, and quickly dragged the progress bar, enlarging the video screen and aiming it at the young man's face.

The moment S001 opened his eyes again, Lu Zheng clearly saw a blue light flashing in the other person's eyes.

Lu Zheng knew very well what this blue light represented.

Either it has just started from hibernation, or it is switching modes.

Lu Zheng frowned, suddenly stood up and ran to the utility room next door.

Since activating S001, he hasn't been here for several days.

The huge cabin cocoon was still lying across the utility room. Lu Zheng scanned the QR code of the manual and began to read it carefully.

After a long time, he finally found what he wanted.

[This AI butler has a dual-system hidden mode, please explore the triggering method by yourself. 】

This short sentence is quite inconspicuous among the tens of thousands of words of instructions for use.

Lu Zheng didn't read the manual carefully before, so he didn't know until now that his AI butler also has a second mode.

Lu Zheng read the manual several times, and after confirming that only this sentence mentioned the hidden mode, he could only give up and continue from the manual.

At this time, Jiang Tang had already prepared dinner.

The staple food for dinner was eggplant braised noodles, and Jiang Tang also cooked a pot of potato ribs.

It was still Lu Zheng's favorite food, but this time Lu Zheng ate it a little bit, and his mind was filled with the hidden mode of S001.

Lu Zheng couldn't understand what kind of hidden mode it was that actually made S001 do such a thing to him after activating this mode.

Although Lu Zheng doesn't find it annoying, there is no conflict between being annoying or not and wanting to find out the truth.

Lu Zheng finished his dinner quickly and took S001 to the secret base again.

Jiang Tang groaned: "Master, the dishes haven't been cleared away yet."

"I don't care about that, it's not important." Lu Zheng replied while letting the young man sit in the testing cabin.

Jiang Tang was already very familiar with this testing cabin and skillfully found the most standard position to lie down in it.

This is not the first time Lu Zheng has conducted a full-body examination on S001, but before this, Lu Zheng had never detected the so-called 'hidden mode'.

Is the dual


hidden too deeply?

Or... is

the technology of the person who created S001 even more powerful than him?

Lu Zheng didn't really want to admit the latter point, so he tried his best to extract the second mode from S001's body.

But he still failed.

Lu Zheng sat in front of the light curtain a little irritably. His black hair tied back had been ruffled and spread out, and his face, which still looked a little boyish, was full of reluctance to admit defeat.

After a moment, Lu Zheng suddenly thought of something.

He suddenly jumped up from his chair, ran upstairs and dug out a few bottles of wine, then ran back to the basement.

If he cannot capture the traces of the hidden mode in the dormant state, what if he forcibly activates the hidden mode?

Jiang Tang, who was still lying in the testing cabin, frowned slightly and showed disapproval: "Master, drinking alcohol at night will affect the quality of sleep at night." But Lu Zheng raised an eyebrow at him and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I don't

. I hope I can have a good sleep tonight."

The alcohol content of the wine was not high, so Lu Zheng drank most of the wine he brought in one go, and finally felt the familiar heat coming from his body.

He licked his dry lips and stared at the big screen in front of him, vowing not to miss the slightest change in data.

After a while, the data flow that had been steady suddenly showed a slight fluctuation.

Lu Zheng's eyes lit up and he accurately grasped the abnormal data. He quickly followed the clues and uncovered the entire hidden mode system.

The dryness in his body was still churning, but Lu Zheng had no time to care about these things. He focused all his attention on the data on the light screen.

The hidden mode uses a code that Lu Zheng has never seen before. It takes a certain amount of time to decode it, so Lu Zheng can only wait patiently.

Because of this, he was too focused and did not notice that the figure lying in the detection cabin closed his eyes and then opened them, and suddenly sat up from the cabin.

Just as Lu Zheng was holding the bottle and preparing to take two more sips, a pair of hands suddenly came out from behind him and hugged him tightly.

A familiar warm voice sounded in his ears, but it carried a fiery aura that was quite unfamiliar to Lu Zheng.

"Master." The young man's breath fell on his ear, "Do you need S001 to serve you?"

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