53: The Young Master's AI Butler (6)

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Lu Zheng finally chose to suspend research and released the AI ​​Butler in the testing cabin.

He ended up arguing with an artificial intelligence.

To be precise, it was a one-sided quarrel. S001 had always been gentle and tried to 'reason' with him.

But such a gentle attitude makes people feel heartbroken even more.

Lu Zheng glanced in the direction of the kitchen. A thin young man was standing in front of the stove, preparing today's dinner for him.

There was a vaguely rich aroma of meat coming from the kitchen. Lu Zheng sniffed it twice with his nose raised, and most of the anger in his heart suddenly dissipated.

It smells so good.

It's a fragrance that he can't smell even if he spends a lot of money to go to a high-end restaurant.

Lu Zheng licked his lips and heard the gurgling sound from his stomach.

He spent the whole day in the secret base studying S001. Except for breakfast, he didn't eat anything all day long and only drank a few sips of water.

When it was time for lunch, S001 actually persuaded him to have lunch, but Lu Zheng refused.

At that time, he was annoyed because he couldn't break through the chip, and he didn't even think about eating.

It seems now that he was really stupid at that time.

S001's cooking was so delicious that he actually gave up one meal if he had to eat one meal.

Lu Zheng clicked his tongue in his heart and decided to forgive the other party's 'unreasonableness' considering S001's superb cooking skills.

No matter how smart and intelligent it is, it is just an artificial intelligence.

There was no need for him to be so serious with an artificial person.

The aroma coming from the kitchen became more and more overbearing, and soon the whole living room was filled with that extraordinarily fresh smell.

The aroma of delicious food gradually made Lu Zheng feel better.

When Jiang Tang walked out of the kitchen with dinner, Lu Zheng had already sat down at the dining table.

Seeing the pot in the young man's hand, Lu Zheng was slightly shocked: "The pot has been brought out? What is this?" "

Sheep soup." Jiang Tang said, filling a bowl for Lu Zheng, "Added some white pepper to it. , the mutton smell should be gone."

Lu Zheng took a small taste, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he drank the soup faster, regardless of how hot it was.

Jiang Tang knew that Lu Zheng had a big appetite, so he took out the small rice cooker for steaming rice.

The milky white and fragrant mutton soup was soaked in soft and glutinous rice, and then paired with the soft and delicious stewed mutton and white radish. Lu Zheng drank up the entire pot of soup.

Lu Zheng touched his belly and felt that he had never been so satisfied with food in his life.

Then he heard the butler beside him say: "Sheep soup is a great tonic. I also specially put a portion of sheep whip. If the young master likes it, you can arrange such a soup to supplement your meal once a week." Lu Zheng said slightly

. Stunned.

Great tonic?

What is a great tonic?

S001 seemed to see his doubts, so he explained thoughtfully: "Tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang is perfect for the young master."

Lu Zheng: "...?"

What kind of kidneys are to be replenished? What to strengthen Yang?

This soup is also known as 'Sleepless Soup', right?

Lu Zheng's face was stiff and he wanted to vomit out all the soup and meat he just drank.

"0·0·1!" Lu Zheng's voice was almost squeezed out of his throat.

He took a deep breath and tried to suppress the restless fire in his heart. "I'll tell you this one last time."

Jiang Tang still smiled and said in a gentle voice: "Young Master, please tell me." "

I said I didn't refuse, no. You are talking out of anger, let alone deceiving yourself and others, giving up on yourself." Lu Zheng said word by word.

In the past, it would have been hard for him to imagine that he would discuss physiological issues with an artificial intelligence.

But now he not only discussed it, he even had to take the initiative and fully disclose his "too much" privacy.

Lu Zheng felt so tired.

But if he doesn't explain clearly now, he will not only be mentally tired but also physically tired in the future.

Delicious food like mutton whip soup is really not something that his body type can enjoy.

After listening to Lu Zheng's extremely detailed explanation, a thoughtful look appeared on the young man's gentle face: "I understand, young master." Lu Zheng didn't quite believe

his 'understanding', so he asked: "Do you really understand? "Yes

." Jiang Tang nodded, with a guilty look on his face, "When preparing meals for you in the future, I will avoid special ingredients such as sheep whip. I'm sorry that I misunderstood you before." Lu Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief

. , he waved his hand and said tiredly: "As long as you understand."

This can't be blamed on S001.

The only thing to blame is the manufacturer of S001, who actually made S001 so intelligent and learned how to analyze the 'potential meanings' in human language.

Although S001's analysis direction deviated a bit from the facts, Lu Zheng couldn't help complaining in his heart.

It's just too smart.

After dinner, Lu Zheng was forced to go to the gym to exercise for an hour, trying to burn off the abundant energy in his body.

But the effectiveness of that big pot of mutton whip soup was no joke. No matter how exhausted Lu Zheng was after tossing his body, he still felt that familiar feeling after taking a bath at night, even more excited and harder than usual. The energy of suffering.

Tonight is definitely not a good night's sleep.

Lu Zheng tossed and turned in bed for a long time, adjusted the temperature of the indoor air conditioner to the lowest setting, and then managed to endure the dryness and feel sleepy.

But what he didn't know was that just outside the door of his bedroom, there was a figure who had been paying attention to the movements in the room.

Jiang Tang waited patiently for a long time. After the restless turning movements disappeared, he gently opened the door.

A faint fragrance spread in the room. Compared with the first time, Jiang Tang reduced the dosage this time.

With the experience of the first two times, Jiang Tang was particularly skilled this time and had gradually become accustomed to Lu Zheng's stubbornness.

But the strength of the mutton soup was much more domineering than Jiang Tang expected.

After trying hard for a long time, it didn't work. A look of astonishment finally appeared on the young man's gentle face, and then he felt helpless.

He turned to touch Lu Zheng's face.

Even though he had fallen asleep, Lu Zheng still seemed to feel uncomfortable. His cheeks were hot and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, which wet the broken hair on his forehead.

Jiang Tang suddenly felt a little guilty.

It seems that he... accidentally took a strong dose of mutton whip soup.

Of course you have to repay the debts you have committed.

Jiang Tang only hesitated for a second, then he propped himself up on the edge of the bed and carefully sat on Lu Zheng's body.

The place where the two of them came into contact had a strong sense of presence, and Jiang Tang clearly felt that the boy's breathing was heavier and more chaotic.

Jiang Tang leaned over and kissed him.

Different from the previous few touching moments, Jiang Tang kissed very carefully this time, from the forehead to the trembling eyelids to the slightly sweaty tip of the nose, but he avoided the slightly opened lips and landed on the other person's rolling lips. On the Adam's apple.

It wasn't until the boy made an urging sound from his throat that Jiang Tang curled his lips and bit his lower lip gently.

The young boy in his sleep could not wait any longer, and soon changed from passive to active, taking the lead in this long kiss.

Jiang Tang's body moved back slightly, and the kiss paused for a second, and then became more passionate.

He suppressed the smile in his heart, gently grabbed the young man's hands by his side, and placed them on his waist.

Jiang Tang reduced the dose of sleeping fragrance today, so although Lu Zheng fell asleep tonight, he still retained some control over his consciousness and body, and was not at the mercy of others like the previous two times.

The hands quickly grasped the slender waist, very hard, as if they were afraid that the person on them would escape halfway.

Jiang Tang finally couldn't hold it back and chuckled.

"Do you still need me to come next?"

Jiang Tang spoke for the first time at this time. He leaned close to the young man's ear and breathed softly, which raised a blush on the young man's ear. "Master, you should do it yourself." Is that okay?"


When the first ray of sunlight fell into the room outside the window, Lu Zheng suddenly opened his eyes.


He had that dream again last night.

This dream was more real and... detailed than the previous two.

The first two times he only dreamed of his hands, but this time, he saw the whole body of the young man in his dream.

Black hair, peach eyes, smiling lips, and a gentle smile that remained unchanged even when she kissed him.

Such exquisite facial features are S001.

Lu Zheng was stunned on the bed for a long time, then suddenly raised his hand, facing the sunshine outside the window, and looked at the palm of his hand.

In the dream last night, his hand was always on the young man's waist.

Thin and flexible, he had never touched the young man's waist in reality, but he did in his dream.

The feeling of the two of them touching each other was completely different from the feeling that the palms of their hands gave him.

The dual feeling of vision and physical touch is an experience that Lu Zheng has never imagined, let alone experienced.

Obviously there is no real negative distance relationship, but zero distance and negative distance seem to be just one word different.

Lu Zheng knew without looking that his bathrobe must be dirty again.

A sudden knock on the door from outside the room interrupted Lu Zheng's daze.

"Master." A familiar warm voice sounded from outside the door, "Breakfast is ready. Have you gotten up?"

Lu Zheng's body suddenly stiffened.

He thought again of what the young man said to him in his dream.

It was obviously just ordinary words, but under the circumstances at that time, it seemed...

particularly alluring, making people unable to control themselves at all.

After a long time of not getting a response from the person in the room, the young man outside the door raised his voice a little: "Master, it's already eight o'clock. There are classes at school today. In order not to be late for class, please get up as soon as possible." After a while, the young man said

Then he said: "If I don't hear your response in three seconds, I will force you to wake up."

Lu Zheng in the room was slightly stunned.

Forced wake-up call?

What's this?

In just a moment of confusion, three seconds passed.

The door to the room suddenly clicked, and the door lock was opened from outside the room.

Lu Zheng's scalp exploded, and he almost immediately said: "Don't come in! I'll get up right away!"

The door of the room had been pushed open with a finger-wide gap. After Lu Zheng's voice sounded, he stopped and was once again close.

The young man outside the door said warmly, "Okay, young master."

Lu Zheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the dark marks on the bathrobe and thought to himself that although S001 was only an artificial intelligence, if such marks were seen by the other party... Lu Zheng

's heart beat twice, and he jumped up from the bed as if he was guilty and rushed in. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower and changed clothes in one go.

He washed the dirty bathrobe a little with water and stuffed it into the dirty clothes basket in the bathroom.

He found a blanket to cover the dirty sheets on the bed.

The washing machine was on the balcony. Lu Zheng planned to secretly take it to the balcony to wash it off while S001 was cooking.

Anyway, no matter what, absolutely! cannot! Discovered by S001!

It was already a quarter of an hour later when Lu Zheng finished taking care of himself.

The restaurant on the first floor was filled with the aroma of food. Lu Zheng glanced at the dining table from the stairs and saw a large steamer full of xiaolongbao.

Lu Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He loves to eat pasta, and he loves steamed buns, steamed buns, and noodles. He can eat a large plate of the unpalatable steamed buns in the school cafeteria, not to mention these small steamed buns that look delicious at first glance.

The xiaolongbao had been allowed to cool for a while and was no longer hot. Lu Zheng took one bite at a time, and the dozens of xiaolongbao quickly reached their bottom.

Jiang Tang put a large glass of soy milk in his hand: "It's a three-point sweet soy milk. Try it to see if it suits your taste." Lu Zheng's happiness reached its peak at that moment, completely overwhelming the previous night's feeling

. Not to mention the trouble the incident' caused him.

With such excellent cooking skills, that little trouble is no longer a trouble for Lu Zheng.

Even when he sat in the classroom, Lu Zheng was still thinking about Xiao Long Bao.

He sat in the last row of the classroom, and as long as he did not disrupt the normal course progress, the subject teacher would not care about him at all.

Lu Zheng stared at the green trees outside the window, feeling that the annoying birds were a little cuter than usual.

During the third class in the morning, Lu Zheng opened the terminal and started sending messages to S001 at home.

Lu Zheng: [Can I order food for lunch? ]

S001 quickly replied: [Okay, Master, what do you want to eat? ]

Lu Zheng directly reported a long list of dish names.

S001: [Received. ]

S001: [But Master, it should be class time now. Please listen to the class carefully and don't play with the terminal secretly. ]

Lu Zheng: "..."

Sure enough, it was still the S001 he was familiar with.

In the past, Lu Zheng would have scoffed and ignored it, but because he was looking forward to ordering lunch, he did not feel impatient. Instead, he actually closed the terminal and looked at the light board in front of the classroom.

It is impossible to listen to the lecture.

But it's okay to just be in a daze and act like it.

After class at noon, Lu Zheng was the first to rush out of the school and return home.

He ordered too many dishes, and the young man was still busy in the kitchen.

Hearing Lu Zheng's return, Jiang Tang turned around and smiled at him: "Master, lunch will be ready in ten minutes. You can go to the dining table and eat some fruit first."

Lu Zheng hummed, then ran upstairs, ready to go to the bedroom to take the dirty sheets and bathrobe to the balcony.

However, when he opened the door to the room, he noticed something was wrong at a glance.

The sheets on the bed... didn't seem to be the ones he slept on last night.

Lu Zheng strode forward and didn't see the stain on the sheets. He quickly rushed into the bathroom and didn't see the bathrobe in the dirty clothes basket.

Lu Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

He ran downstairs again and saw the sheets and bathrobes that had been hung up on the balcony: "001!" The

young man asked softly, "What's wrong, young master?"

"Have you been to my bedroom?" Lu Zheng asked His fingertips tightened unconsciously.

Jiang Tang said, "Yes, when I was cleaning the room, I found that your sheets and bathrobe were dirty, so I took them to wash them. Clean sheets have been laid out for you on the bed." Lu Zheng felt a little angry


But besides being angry, he was more embarrassed and guilty.

Lu Zheng took a deep breath: "Next time, don't enter my room without my permission."

The busy figure in the kitchen paused.

The young man turned around, with a gentle smile still on his delicate face, but with a hint of confusion and confusion: "Did I fail to do something well, young master?" Being stared at by the other party with such an expression, Lu Zheng

suddenly Speechless.

"Cleaning the young master's room is what I, as a housekeeper, should do." Jiang Tang pursed his lower lip, "If what I have done makes the young master dissatisfied, please give me a chance to improve." Lu

Zheng I almost didn't dare to look at him, because the other person's behavior was too humane, and his emotional display was almost comparable to that of a real human being.

He looked away and said in a dry voice: "You didn't do a bad job."

Noticing his embarrassed expression, his AI butler seemed to realize something: "Master, are you just shy?"

Lu Zheng was shocked. : "Wha, what?"

"Master, you don't have to feel shy." Jiang Tang rolled his eyes, "For boys of your age, dreams/weeds are very normal." Lu Zheng: "...


Dreams/wet emissions are indeed normal.

But he is not a simple dream/wet dream!

What normal boy would dream of doing that kind of thing with artificial intelligence at this age?

If he wasn't being stared at by S001, Lu Zheng almost wanted to cover his face and lament.

He suspected that he was really a pervert.

Seeing that he was silent, Jiang Tang comforted him softly: "This just proves that you are in very good health. Master, you should be proud of this." Lu Zheng: "..." He wiped his face


, "...Stop talking."

SOO1 said obediently, "Okay, young master."

Lu Zheng turned around and sat on the dining table, pulled two bananas, and crazily stuffed them into his mouth as if to vent his anger.

Artificial intelligence... is too intelligent, which is really not a good thing!

He chewed the banana angrily, but couldn't help but glance towards the kitchen again.

S001 just bent down and was taking something from the cupboard below.

He was still wearing the same clothes that Lu Zheng had worn a few years ago. The slightly shorter hem of the clothes failed to cover his waistline, revealing the young man's fair and slender waist.

Lu Zheng subconsciously looked away.

The next second, he suddenly turned his head back, his eyes falling directly on the young man's lower back.

Just on that small section of white waist, above those two eye-catching and cute waists.

On one left and one on the right, there are several small, red with slightly green marks printed on them.

--It looks very much like the finger marks left after being grasped by a hand.

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