It was clear that I was no longer welcome in his space, and the idea of being considered a "random" to him stung deeply.I couldn't find the words to respond, my heart heavy with the weight of his rejection, and the lump in my throat making it difficult to speak.

"So now I'm just some random person to Taehyung," I muttered to myself, feeling a deep sense of rejection. It was a harsh realisation that only added to the hurt and confusion I was already experiencing.

As I entered Taehyung's dorm, the living room seemed silent. However, faint sounds were coming from his bedroom. My heart sank as the harsh reality hit me, Taehyung was not alone. Someone else was with him, and I soon realized it was Suzy.

Hurting and confused, the emotions clearly reflected on my face. I swallowed the lump in my throat and hesitantly glanced at Jin, who gave me a concerned look. In that moment, I desperately wished for answers, for an explanation.

Jungkook, on the other hand, rolled his eyes, his gaze fixed on me. It felt like he already knew what I was going to discover. His indifference only added to my pain, intensifying my fear of the truth.

Seeing my hesitation, Jin sir, being the caring person he is, sensed my distress. He called out for Taehyung. I could only hope that there was a reasonable explanation, that there was some way to make sense of what I was feeling.

But deep down, I couldn't shake off the sinking feeling that this was a betrayal. The thought lingered, brutally  twisting inside me as I awaited Taehyung's response. What could he possibly say that would lessen the blow? How could he make this right in my broken heart?

As Jin sir called out Taehyung's name, it didn't take long for him to emerge from his room, followed closely by Suzy. The sight of her trailing behind him, with a smug smirk on her face, only added salt to my wounds.

Taehyung's gaze met mine, and for a brief moment, a scowl flashed across his face. The hurt that washed over me at that very instant was unbearable. It felt as though my heart was being shattered into countless tiny pieces.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he barked at me, his anger evident in his tone. Each word hit me like a blow, making it even harder to find my voice  the pain that consumed me.

The realization that he was not only with someone else, but that he didn't want me there, tore at my already fragile and broken heart. I struggled to find the strength to respond, my voice barely a whisper.

"I... I just... I wanted to see you, to... to talk," I managed to stammer out, my voice trembling with emotion.

The lump in my throat grew larger, and I swallowed it down, barely holding back tears. I felt a mix of emotions  devastation, anger, and a deep ache of betrayal. But I refused to let him see how deeply he had wounded me.

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