Chapter 77

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Anthony's phone died a couple minutes later.
"Oh my god, what are we gonna do?!?!?!?!" I said as I started to panic.
"What do you mean? It's fine" Anthony said, completely un-bothered.

"NO! No it's not fine Anthony. It's outdoors and the water under this dock that we are both on, is very deep. And this dock is old and breakable, and we can't leave this dock, we can't swim back, we can't call them because your phone and died and I don't have mine with me, and honestly how could they get to us, Anthony. The dock was the only flotation device down by the lake and we have that and it's not useful at the moment other than keeping us from DROWNING!!!" I yelled as I began to hyperventilate.

He quickly caught on too the fact that I was freaking out and he was stuck with me. There was no where for him to go, and I didn't even know if he wanted to leave or help me.

"Haven, you need to breathe and calm down, it will be okay, I promise" he said.

"You can't promise when your not sure" I said as my voice broke.

"You talked to Sammy, and he said he was coming. You know he meant it and you know he'll be here. It's just a little float a little away from the dock, okay? Haven, don't stress, it's nothing serious" he explained.

I nodded.

"A...a....oh...okay" I said staring at the water so I could breathe slowly. After about 8 more minutes of sitting, we heard yelling and looked over to see a boat in the distance, and Sammy,
Jack, And Gilinsky were on it.

"Hey" Anthony yelled and they began riding towards us. There boat had a motor.

"Are you guys okay" Sammy asked when they were a couple feet away from the floating dock.

"Yeah we're fine, what's your plan?" Anthky asked.

Sammy picked up paddles off of the floor of the boat and threw them over to Anthony. Anthony was standing but I however was still sitting with my knees pulled up to my chest looking at the water.

"Come on! You know haven and I can't paddle this thing all he way back there" Anthony said.

"That's why we came" Sammy said.
"Can I go on the motorized boat with my cooler?" Anthony asked.
"Yeah, Gilinsky knows how to drive it" Sammy explained.
Sammy and Jack hopped over onto the dock, and Anthony stepped into there boat.
"Haven are you coming or staying?" Gilinsky asked.
I still didn't answer for some reason.
"It's okay, you guys can go, she'll be fine" Jack said. Anthony and Gilinsky headed back as Sammy and Jack picked up paddles.
"Haven, are you okay" Jack asked and he and Sammy worked as hard as they could to paddle us back.
"I was scared. I'm always scared. It doesn't mean anything. I'm fine" I said allowing myself to stop tensing up my hands. I sat back and relaxed.
"Do you want to talk or?" Jack said.
"Not now, I don't know. Do we have to go back right now? I mean we have the paddles so we can easily get back, can we just wait a minute?" I asked.
"Yeah" Sammy said as he and Jack stopped
paddling and set down the paddles. I scooted to the middle of the dock and stayed there. Jack lay down to my left and Sammy lay on my right. From our view, we could see trees, sky, and was beautiful.
"So what did you and Anthony do?" Jack asked.
"We talked and drank sprite" I responded.
"What did you guys talk about?" He asked.
For a normal person they would say something like 'that's not your business' or some snarky comment but for me I didn't care, I mean our conversation was somewhat normal and this is my brother and boyfriend who I'm both surprising close with.
"he said I was acting sketchy and talked to me about my life for a while" I explained.
"Can we talk?" Jack asked.
"About what?" I asked.
"Life. I don't know. I just want to be informed of the drama in my sisters life" he said laughing.
"Jack, most brothers aren't like you. Most brothers don't care about there siblings, wouldn't want them to be on any type of tour with them, and wouldn't want to live in the same house as them when they don't have too" I said also laughing.
"But I'm not most brothers" Jack pointed out.
"Well I told Anthony that I'm" I paused for effect just to freak out Jack and Sammy.
"OH MY GOD" Jack yelled sitting up.
Sammy sat up alerted also but stopped and smiled for a second.
Sammy and I both started laughing but Jack was still completely freaked out and angry.
"WHAT THE HECK HAVEN?!? ARE YOU PREGNANT" Jack asked worriedly.
Before I could respond, Jack kept talking.
"SAMMY! WHY ARE YOU NOT ALERTED" Jack said still mad but actually concerned about his question.
"Dude, Haven wouldn't cheat on me" Sammy said falling over in laughter about what Jack thought.
"Oh my god" Jack said relieved as he sat back.
Sammy and I were both still laughing.
"I'm not pregnant Jack! I was gonna say that I told Anthony I'm happy" I said laughing to tears.
"Thank you and oh my god Sammy, I am like 100% more okay with you dating Haven now" Jack said.
"Thanks bro" Sammy said.
"Oh my god. I was so scared for a second" Jack added.
"Should I be offended that you thought that" I asked.
"Oh my god I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a mean way, I just...I mean...I thought that... Look after the whole thing with Ryann I was worried but I trust you completely now" Jack said.
"That was reallllllllllllly funny though" I said laughing again.
"Let's get back to what you told anthony" Jack said sarcastically.
"We just talked about life. I don't know. And to be clear I told him that I'm happy" I said.
We talked for a while Before heading back. Once we arrived we tied up the floating dock to the actual dock and went inside where everyone was. They were all in the kitchen.
"We ordered pizza" Gilinsky said as he walked towards us with a slice in his hand.
Everyone sat down around the living room and we put on TV, we ended up watching movies for a couple hours until around 10 when most of the guys went to there rooms. Chandler and the 5sos guys stayed up with Jack, Sammy, and I. Jack was sitting by Chandler and I was sitting by Sammy. As soon as Sammy stood up to go get a glass of water, Calum and Michael jumped on the couch and both lay down on me with there heads in my lap. I laughed.
"So Haven, we haven't talked in a while" Calum said.
"What do you wanna talk about Calum?" I asked.
"I know I'm your best friend, but I want you to confirm just so Michael here can hear it" He said.
"Calum, you of my best friends. But you know I have a lot of them, I guarantee you and Michael are both at the top section of the list" I said.
"I mean I know you have friends but I mean your best friend who you can tell anything" Calum said.
"There's you, Michael, Sammy, Chandler, Matt, and a couple more who are on the best friend level" I explained.
"HA I'm on the list" Calum yelled excitedly.
I laughed.
Sammy came walking back into the room with a water bottle.
Sammy laughed a little to himself at the sight of Calum and Michael. He sat down at the end of the couch where Michaels feet were. All of the 5sos guys went to bed, so Chandler decided to go to his room and Jack, Sammy, and I went to ours. I unpacked my clothes, then changed into my shorts and a t shirt in the bathroom. When I came out, Sammy and Jack were both at there suitcases unpacking.

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