Chapter 69

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Sammy told me exactly what Jack had said and we both talked about it for a while.

"I can tell your different, because I can actually talk to you about things and" I said.

"Well I've never had a relationship that was real ,before this. With other people, I couldn't trust them, and I always cared about them and let them confide in me but they never did the same for me" he said.

"thats the reason i started making vines and youtube videos, because i had a friend who i trusted...he was my best friend. Then, he stopped talking to me, and started talking about me behind my back. I would hang out with the stuck-up people who were really just fake friends, then i met all of these guys and girls who are just like me, and they understand....they have my back, instead of talking behind it." i said.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"of course, do you trust me?'' i asked.

"Haven, iv'e never trusted someone like i trust you'' he said. I smiled.

"if i hadn't left school when i did, i don't think i would've ever met the guys or started dating you. I would probably just be sitting in class thinking about 1D, Teen Wolf, or 5sos while the teacher talked. I don't think either of us would've told the other one that we had feelings for each other" I said.

"It all worked out, didn't it" he said happily.

"Yeah" i replied. That was the last thing i remember saying, before falling asleep.


When i woke up, Sammy was beside me on his phone just like he was last night. I was lying on his shoulder.

"what time is it?" i asked as i sat up beside him.

"uh.......ittttttsssss.....8:32" he answered.

''lets go downstairs and see the guys" i said.

"okay, uh, are you gonna talk to him today?" he asked.

"talk to who?" i asked.

''Hayes" he answered.

I paused,

"I don't want to talk to him, but we need to work something out before what happened the other night becomes a regular basis type thing" I said.

"well, we could get ready then drive over there with the boys, then they could hang out with all the guys at our house while you and Hayes talk" he explained.

"yeah, lets do that'' i said.

I walked into the bathroom and got dressed, re-applied makeup, and fixed my hair. When i came out of the bathroom, sammy was in the exact same pot he had been before.

"are you gonna get ready?" i asked.

"yeah, my foot's asleep" he said through gritted teeth. He limped over to his bag then stood up straight,

"okay its normal now" he said relieved. I laughed. He bent over and picked up an RVCA t-shirt out of his bag to put on. After that, he walked into there bathroom and emerged 2 minutes later wearing jeans, shoes, and his hair fixed.

"You get dressed really quickly" i commented.

"My hair already looks good" he said jokingly.

We walked downstairs and found the four boys in the living room.
"Do you guys wanna go to our house with us? You met everyone yesterday but Haven needs to talk to Hayes so we're going over there" sammy said.
"Yeah, we wanna come" Luke said standing up. They all nodded and drove over with us.
The car ride was quiet since I didn't want to talk. I was too busy thinking of what I planned on saying to Hayes.
When we first arrived at the house, Sammy unlocked the door and we all walked in. Everyone was in the living room so they all turned to us. Jack spoke first,
"Your back" he said.
"Yeah I-" I began before being interrupted.
"-are you gonna talk to me?!?" Hayes asked excitedly.
"Yeah-but not for long, I need to leave soon, I'll be back later" I said.
"Can we talk now" he asked.
"Yeah but I need you all-" I said turning to everyone,
"-to talk to Sammy and the guys while Hayes and I talk" I finished. Everyone nodded and Hayes stood up.
"Where do you wanna talk?" He asked.
"The kitchen" I said walking into the other room.
"Okay" he said following me.
I leaned against the island with my back against it while Hayes stood against the cabinets across from me.
"What do you want to talk about" I asked.
"Why you hate me" he answered.
"That's what you don't get, Hayes. I don't hate you. I'm just mad at you...because I feel like you did all of this" I said.
"All of what?" He asked.
"All of the Claire stuff. Honestly the only good thing you've ever done for me is given me a reason to leave you" I said.
"I didn't know she was bad! You don't even know what happened that night and the night that she took you" he exclaimed.
"What happened then! If you need to tell me so bad then just tell me!" I said back.
"Look I know what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry. If I could go back and change it I would. But I never wanted to hurt you and I didn't know what she was capable. I still don't know what she did to you...I just don't get it" he said.
"How do you not know what she did?!?" I exclaimed.
"Everyone has been too pissed off with me to tell me what happened" he answered.
"She...she's in jail because she's crazy. She kidnapped me. And she hit me, kicked me, punched me, slapped me....she broke some of my bones and left internal bleeding. It wasn't a girl wasn't a fight at all, it was her, hurting me...while I couldn't do anything about it" I said.
He didn't say anything.
"im sorry" he choked out.
I didn't respond.
"Haven, I never knew what she did to you. I just saw you beat her up at the magcon event and heard about chandler and all. I never knew what she was in jail for. I'm so sorry. I know you don't believe me but I never wanted it to end like this" he said tearing up a little.
"Please just don't freak out about it" I said.
"It's all my fault though...I..I could've stopped her from hurting you. I....I COULD'VE MADE US WORK" He exclaimed through tears.
"Hayes...I know I act like I hate you, but I don't. I don't want to hate you. I just want us to be friends like before all of this." I said
"You don't understand Haven, I can't just get over you like that. I need time, I just......need time" he finished glumly.
Sammy, Jack, Taylor, and Matt all walked in looking concerned.
"Are you okay?" Sammy asked me.
"Yeah" I answered following the guys out of the room.

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