Chapter 48

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When we got home, we quietly walked inside. Everyone was in the living room.
"I told you she would be here" Matt said.
"Yeah at 11 o'clock" Jack added.
Everyone went up to bed and I decided to go talk to Jack. I knocked on his door then walked in. He was sitting on his bed looking at his phone. "Hey" I said awkwardly as I walked over and sat beside him.
"I'm sorry, we were walking around and just lost track of time" I said.
"It's fine. I'm not mad or anything" he reassured me.
"I...I know I just...don't know" i said.
"Why were you crying earlier? Sammy was with you so I didn't want to interrupt but I was worried that you guys got in a fight or something" he said.
"Well, I...I'm sorry if I cry but the story is way more than you or Sammy thinks it is" I said.
"Well what happened? You need to tell me the whole story" he said.
"Ok I..I have to be the one to tell Sammy though, promise?" I asked.
"Yeah I promise but what's wrong" he asked.
"Well you remember when we had dinner with Sammy's parents, brother, and sister?" I asked trying to hold back tears. They came out anyway.
"Yeah of course, oh my god are you okay" he said hugging me.
"Jack? I didn't tell anyone...and now I feel terrible...because I...I should have said something a long time ago but it's slowly getting to me and it just keeps getting worse and worse." I Said.
"Haven, it's fine. You can tell me anything. Just tell me the whole thing" he said. So I began,
"Well you remember at dinner when she kept pretending to be stupid and asking me questions that were just flat out mean and rude. Then you and Sammy tried to change the subject. Well earlier today, I was sitting on the couch, leaning on Sammy while his phone was on his knee. And his phone went off with a text from his sister so he opened it up and texted her for a second. But at first he didn't realize I read it. She was telling him that I was ugly, young, and stupid and that she didn't like me, and Sammy noticed I saw it. So, I got really upset she had said that and I ran upstairs, crying. He talked to me and helped me calm down from a panic attack and explained so everything was okay. Honestly Jack, Sammy knows everything about me. I've told him everything about me and he's told me everything about him, except for this one thing that I just can't tell him." I explained.
"It's okay. What are you not telling him" he asked.
"Well you don't know either....the only person who knows is...........chandler" I said.
"Just tell me. I won't be mad. Your not cheating on him with chandler, right?" He asked.
"Of course not! Chandler and I are best friends and there's nothing romantic going on there. Jack, I really do love Sammy. But what I never told anyone besides Chandler is that...I already knew Sammy's sister when we went to dinner" I said.
"Okay, 2 things. First, why does it matter that you knew his sister. And second, How did chandler know this?" He asked.
"Sh...she....she....went to my school in Omaha you know....b..but..I knew her. I knew her more than I wanted to. Sh...she was the reason I...I wanted switch schools." I said. I paused for a second before I kept going.
"She...she bullied me Jack. She bullied me every day. It was so bad that I would fake being sick or try to miss the bus or get sick. I...I just couldn't handle it. She would taunt me and call me ugly and say the worst things. I...I had just started becoming friends with Chandler at the time so I told him about it. He's he only reason I'm okay. He gave me the idea to switch schools. I switched schools to escape her Jack. I knew that you hung out with Sammy but I knew that she would never come over with him so it was safe. I love Sammy...and I just don't know how to tell him that his sister ruined my life for years. I just don't want to see her. When we went On tour it was the perfect escape because I wouldn't have to see her at all and I could finish school, move her with you guys, and start a happy life" I explained. By now I was crying loudly. I couldn't help it. I mean I had underdone it, making it sound like she wasn't that bad. If I went into detail then I would have a panic attack. She's the reason I have them.
"Sh...shhhhh Haven it's okay. Why didn't you tell me?!? I could have helped?!? I could have put a stop to it" he said tearing up slightly.
"Jack you don't have to feel bad, it's not a big deal" I said now sobbing.
"Yes!!! Yes it is Haven, because you were being hurt and I didn't know so I didn't help!!! I know you Haven!!! Your making it sound like she wasn't that bad when I KNOW she was. I'm so sorry" he said crying. We were now both crying, well I was sobbing, he was crying.
Let's go downstairs. I know it's late but we need to talk or something" he said standing up. We both walked downstairs. Then we hear doors open. Everyone came out and stood watching us as we sat on the couch both teary eyed.
"Oh my god! What happened" Mahogany.
Everyone walked towards us. Sammy sat down beside me and out his arm around me, hugging me.
"What's wrong, babe?" he asked.
I began sobbing again. Everyone was now frightened that something bad had happened.
"S..s.sammy????? I...I need to tell you something. I..I told you almost everything about me but I feel like I left out one of the most important things" I said crying.
"It's okay, it'll be okay. What's wrong"
I looked at Jack.
"Uh guys....what if you, Sammy, and I go outside alone so you can talk to him without everyone else" Jack said. The 3 of us walked outside while everyone inside waited. Once we got outside I sat down beside Sammy and began,
"Sammy I just need to talk, okay" I Said.
"Yeah" he said.
I began,
"I just....I need to explain everything earlier but I don't know how to tell you" I said.
"Just tell me, it's fine." He reassured me.
"''s your sister" I said before bursting into tears.
"What is it?? Haven I know what she said in the text and it was untrue, horrible, and mean of her. I don't agree with her" he said.
"No...I mean...I know your sister...I've known your sister for years. You don't understand what she did Sammy" I said crying.
he hugged me,
"Babe, what do you mean? Just tell me everything, okay?" He said.
"Sammy, your sister bullied me a couple years ago and she did it for years. It became so bad that I had to switch schools. I just wanted to get away from her. I knew she was your sister but I didn't think it mattered until we started dating. I knew it'd be a matter of time before I saw her again and you found out. She's your sister and I want to like her, I really do Sammy. I love you and I want to be with you, no matter what. I just didn't know how to tell you because even Jack didn't know. Sh...she would call me names, insult, and embarrass me everyday. I just don't want you to be mad at me" I said through tears. He hugged me and looked at me while I was crying,
"Haven, I would never be mad at you for that. You didn't do anything. I want to protect you and I'm not gonna let her hurt you, don't worry. All that matters is that we're here, we're safe, were together, and we're happy. Because all I want is to be with you" he said as he kissed me. Jack began walking back towards the house and everyone was crowded around the window. Sammy took my hand and we walked back into the house. No one knew what had happened. Sammy walked up to my room with me and kissed me goodnight outside the door. Mahogany came up so her and I decided to both go to sleep.

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