Chapter 31

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Mahogany and I went up to the room and realized just how big all of the rooms were. Both our beds were already there so we just unpacked I . I hung up a couple posters on the wall above my bed. I was on the left half of the room and she was on the right. Once. I was done unpacking, I sat down on my bed and scrolled through vine when I got a text from Sammy. The day after the big fall out with Hayes I got a new phone so i had new contacts. Sammy's text read,
"Wanna go on a date tonight💕"

I immediately responded "yes❤".
Dating Sammy is way different then dating Hayes because Sammy really does love me and he's my best friend. I can talk to Sammy in a way I couldn't talk to Hayes. Sammy is the best boyfriend I've ever had, I've always wanted to be with him and now that I am, I feel so accomplished. I got ready to go and we walked out to the car. We decided to just walk around the mall and hang out. After the mall we just came home because we were tired. When we got home, all of the other guys and girls who Jack had mentioned earlier were there. I already knew all of the girls so I introduced myself and Sammy to the guys. They were all really nice and we talked for a couple minutes before we all went to bed. Mahogany was already in bed by the time I got there. I changed into pajama shorts and a tee shirt before hopping in bed and falling asleep.

When I woke up, Mahogany was awake but still in bed and on her phone. We both walked down stairs and are surprised to see that almost all of the guys were up already. Ricky was making food. Everyone was in the the kitchen sitting on bar stools in front of ricky while he was cooking. He was making pancakes. When we walked in, everyone turned. "Oh no. They. Are. Awake" Andrew said jokingly. I like how Andrew sounds serious all of the time because it makes his jokes and sarcastic comments funnier. I walked over and stood beside Sammy. After ricky was done cooking, he gave everyone pancakes and we all sat around talking. I had instantly become friends with Andrew, Jack, Ricky, and Anthony. "Guys, now that there are 3 jacks, we can't do the J & G thing, we need to add one, we need to add Jack B" I said. "Has Haven seen the pool yet?" Ricky asked my brother. "No I don't think so" he responded. I followed Ricky outside to a huge backyard with a big beautiful pool in the middle. "Wow" I said. "I know right" he said before walking back in. I talked to Chandler on the phone and he said that he was coming to LA. "Hey Jack" I called to my brother. "Yeah" he asked. "Can Chandler stay here tonight and maybe like 2 more days depending on when he needs to be back" I asked. "Sure, the guest room is set up, what time is he getting here" he asked. "Around 8 or 9" I answered. "Ok" he ended. Nash came down stairs and looked angry. "What's wrong" I asked. "That little.....oh I hate time he does this.." He mumbled. "GUYS" he yelled. "What" we all asked. "Mom flew idiot out here this morning to surprise me, she doesn't know that he's not wanted and what he did. Well surprise, sorry Ricky, Andrew, Jack, and Anthony that you'll have to meet him" Nash ended. It was like my worst nightmare had begun. "Wait are you talking about Hayes" Gilinsky asked. "Yeah" Nash responded, annoyed. "What did he do" Ricky whispered to me. "Cheated on me....with my best friends girlfriend who was cheating on him" I responded. His mouth dropped open and he mouthed the words "I'm sorry". I responded, "he was terrible, I wasn't happy. I love Sammy. I'm in love with Sammy, I just hate being around Hayes after what he did because he's just a jerk" I explained. I walked over to Sammy who was on the couch, on his phone. When I walked over, he looked up and smiled. I sat down and leaned my head against his shoulder. We sat a talked for a while, while all of the guys ran around the house and sat on their phones. Then, the doorbell rang.

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