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Around the end of the Summer, Fred and George had finally opened up the Joke shop to the public. However she was left in the Weasley's home. Mainly due to the fact she was overdue already. They couldn't risk her going into labor on her own upstairs in the joke shop. So she would have the company of Molly until after the Birth. As soon as the baby was born though, she was set to move into the Joke-Shops apartment.

All morning, she was having contractions. Although the Witch that looked after her the whole pregnancy, had said it was nothing to worry about just yet.
Fred of course came an hour after the contractions had begun and was there to look after her and of course support her.

The birth process was a little over 2 hours, but in the end, the lovely baby boy was born. He had bright ginger hair and bright green eyes. Almost the exact mix of her and Fred.

Iris was laid, sat up slightly on the makeshift bed, holding her son as he drank from her breast. Surprisingly, no issue with the latching situation.

"So, cub. What are you thinking about the name?" Remus asked, sat beside her on one side, Fred on the other and Molly beside Remus. George was stood in the corner also.

She smiled. "Me and Fred agree'd this was the perfect name for him... But his name is Sirius Lupin Potter." She stated.
Remus felt tears forming in his eyes. "How kind of you..." He smiled.

"Heard you chose the Godfathers and Godmothers. How about you tell us them?" Molly asked.

"Well the Godmother is of course going to be Hermione. As for the Godfather. I was thinking George, despite him already being the uncle." She stated.
"Thanks Iris." George smiled soft.

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