Sirius Black

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"The dog, where is he?" Harry asked.
"It's a trap. He's the dog. He's an Animagus!" Ron explained, pointing to the doorway...
It was her Uncle... Sirius Black.
She stepped infront of the three.

"Stay back Sirius Black. Or I swear I will blow your head off right here. Right now. You will not harm neither me or my brother." She spat.
"No. Only one will die tonight." Sirius explained... He seemed rather calm.
"You're insane Sirius. You need some help. Stand back and let my brother and his friends leave. We will deal with this, adult to adult." She stated.

"No! It'll be him! He'll die tonight!" Harry spoke before barging past and slamming Sirius to the floor.
Sirius just laughed. "Are you going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius asked.
Suddenly the door was slammed open, Remus jumped in. "EXPELLIARMUS!" He yelled. Harry's wand went flying a little.

Harry then moved so Iris once again stepped infront of her brother and his friends.
"Remus..." She mumbled.
This led to Remus and Sirius however hugging... Which slightly confused her...

"He's a werewolf... That's why he's been missing classes." Hermione pointed out.
"Hold, one moment Hermione. The fact he's a wolf changes nothing. Remus would never betray the Potters... And therefore if he trusts Sirius... Then Sirius isn't guilty... Uncle Sirius...?" She asked, looking over at Sirius who just smiled lightly and nodded.

She walked over and gave him a tight hug. "I missed you... I'm so sorry I thought you were the one to betray my parents." She spoke.

Sirius Suddenly rushed in. She of course glanced over. She knew Severus didn't like her Uncles... So this was probably just his way of revenge.

Sirius tried to step forwards towards Severus. And the moment she saw Severus moving to do a spell, she stepped forwards infront of her uncle, keeping him away from damage. Afterall... He did 12 years at Azkaban... That was enough punishment.

She was hit hard in the chest with the spell and she slammed back. She felt hands grip her under the arms before everything turned black.

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