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When the start of the year for Hogwarts began. It turned out that they would be doing the Tri-Wizard Tournament this year. Two schools came to attend with Hogwarts. One school that was mainly girls. And another school which was mainly men. Not much of a shock, Iris and Fred were joking with each other to stop oggling at them. But all as jokes.

Thankfully, only people at the age of 17 were able to compete in this competition. So despite how sad her boyfriend was he couldn't try, Iris was rather relieved.

Professor Moody's lessons was the one that concerned her. He was speaking about Dark Magic, something that she felt uncomfortable with. Especially when he started talking about the Killing Curse, saying only 2 have survived it. He seemed rather psychotic. It was worrying.

When Iris was outside she got told by someone that Fred and George attempted to get their name in the cup. But they had been sent to the Infirmary just moments later when it didn't work and they were still very old.

A few days passed and the 3 contestants had been chosen. But then the fire went up again and 2 more names were dropped. She was originally confused but then she was hit with a bad feeling...

Seconds later, Dumbledore called out her name and Harry's name. She anxiously got up due to George pushing her. She then walked, grabbed her name and went into the trophy room downstairs. Harry following closely behind.

She was questioned for quite some time  before being released. Same with her brother.

However.... When she got back to the dorm she was met by her boyfriend, Fred.

"Fred... How did that happen... I didn't put my name in the cup. You know that right?" She asked.
"I know it, love. You've just got what is called, Potter luck." Fred smiled and gently kissed her.

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