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"Wait, Darling. What you are saying, is that you won't be returning to the Dursleys at all this Summer? And In around a week you'll be coming to the Burrow?" Fred asked, his eyes wide.
"Yeah... It's a slight offer from Dumbledore. Sadly I have to leave Harry..." She sighed.
"Does he know you're not returning to the Dursleys?" George pointed out.
"Yeah I told him before we got on the trains... He seemed to understand that I needed to move out of the Dursleys household." She shrugged.
"So you'll be moving in with Sirius when you arrive?" Fred asked.
"Yeah... I'm moving in with Sirius. And apparently, Remus will be somewhat moving in also. Not fully, but a bit." She explained simply.

The moment they arrived, she quickly got out and began her search for Remus. Who said he would be somewhere private. She found him after around 5 minutes and rushed over.
"Hey Uncle Moony." She smiled and hugged him.
"Hello Iris. Ready to get going? Padfoot is waiting for us." He spoke.
"Yeah." She nodded.

A quick apparatation later they had arrived at a house. They walked inside.
"Here, let me take your bags upstairs to the room Sirius had cleaned for you. He's down the coridoor in the kitchen." Remus told her.

Iris walked over to the kitchen and walked inside. Sirius was sat down, reading a Daily Profit.

"Hey Uncle Paddy." She smiled.
"Iris. How are you feeling? Your chest feeling better? Here, take a seat." Sirius spoke, quickly gettining up and guiding her to sit down.

"I'm feeling better Padfoot. A bit achy, sure. But I'm okay." She smiled.
"Good. Now. I've heard a rumour from Moony. And of course, as your favourite uncle, I deserve deets. Whats this about you and Mr Fred Weasley?" He asked, smirking.
"Jeez, not even a week into knowing me again and you already know my love life. Well, Fred is my boyfriend. We've been dating a little over a year now." She explained.
"Hm? And how long did you know him before then?" Sirius asked.
"I guess around... four years?" She tried to work out.
"Andddd... You're 16?" Sirius asked.
"Yep. I'm 16." She nodded.
"Okay, that's fine with me then. Just.. Don't be having any kids yet." Sirius laughed.
"How old was mum when she got pregnant with me?" Iris smirked, raising an eye brow.
"We don't speak about that." Sirius pouted. "She and James regretted it for some time. But of course, they fell in love with you when you were born. A beautiful little angel you were." He stated.
"Yeah, I remember when she was born too. A lot of tears." Remus spoke, walking back inside.
"Who cried the most?" Iris asked.
"100% your father." Sirius and Remus said at the same time.

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