End of Year

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The end of the year soon came and they were in the Great Hall for the End of Year feast.
Originally the speach came and Gryffindor apparently lost. Slytherin won. But then Dumbledore decided to give out some last minute points to Gryffindor. Specifically, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Neville. For the night that they went and saved everyone.
Of course she was happy that they got some more points and therefore went above the Slytherin. And therefore had won the House Cup for this year.

"Well done you four, you should be proud." She smiled softly.
"Thanks Iris." They replied to her.

After a while, the end of year feast was over and they headed out. They would spend the night at Hogwarts and in the morning, straight after breakfast, they would go home.

That night she went to bed happy to know another year had passed, but quite sad to know she wouldn't be able to see her friends for some time.
They had breakfast and then went down to the train.

"I'm going to guess you're not too excited to go home, hm?" Fred asked as they walked into the train together.
"Not even the tiniest bit." Iris sighed, sitting beside him with George opposite them.
"I'm sure you can last a month or so, darling." Fred spoke to her gently.
"You say that till you meet my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin." She rolled her eyes and pushed her face agaisnt Fred's chest.
"I know it can be hard... Especially if they don't treat you the best. But you have Harry there, don't you. All you need to handle is a month Darling. And then you can come to the Burrow, or even better, we can come pick you up and bring you to the Burrow." Fred smiled.
"Thanks Freddie... And you too George." She smiled slightly.

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