Dudley's Birthday

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Iris woke up one morning and looked over at her bedside table. It was apparently 7:30am, and from the date, she knew exactly what today was... Dudley's 11th birthday. She groaned softly, doing a big stretch before getting out of her bed. She walked over to her closet, pulling out an outfit to wear for today. It was a simple red dress with a few blue flowers on it. She pulled on her socks and then brushed her hair before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning." She spoke, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and then grabbing a plate so she could plate out her own breakfast.
"Morning." Harry said in reply, although he seemed to be the only one interested in saying goodmorning to her. As Vernon was watching Dudley open his many presents and Petunia was on the phone to someone. She did not look happy.

"Got everything you yelled at Aunt Petunia for, Dudley?" She asked, putting some stuff on her plate.
"No." Dudley grumped.
"Why, what else did you want? You've got tons Dudley." She sighed, sitting down to eat.

Not much later Harry, Dudley, Dudley's friend and her aunt with uncle, all left to go to the Zoo. She of course stayed home to do her homework and do her chores.

However just around two hours later the door opened and Petunia rushed in with Dudley in a towel. He seemed to be soaked.
Vernon had asked something to Harry, but didn't seem to get the answer that he had wanted and therefore Harry had been locked in the cupboard. Vernon did not look happy. So once Dudley was gone she walked up to them.

"What happened?" She questioned.
"I believe your brother might have done magic." Petunia told her.
"Well... He does go to Hogwarts this year." She shrugged and walked away.

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