Another Year

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Not so long later after Iris had gotten to the Weasley's household, she was already back at Hogwarts for her second year. This year she planned a lot of things and was actually rather excited. Although... It was the last year that she had, that her brother wouldn't be up at Hogwarts.

The Year started off well, introducing the new First Years. The First Years this year seemed a bit more... Worried in a way. Excited but worried. But that was expected.

During Quidditch season, Fred, George and herself all tried out for spots. Fred and George, who are able to somewhat communicate while out in the game, became beaters. While Iris, who was fast on a broom, and good at throwing, became a chaser. Although, the team captain was asked many times if she was on the team, because she was a Potter.

Christmas soon came and she enjoyed it with the Weasley twins.They went on plenty of walks and she helped them with pranks also. Infact, from last year, when they found a map in Hogwarts, they had used that to help them. It was very useful.

Valentines day came. And although she had been asked by many people to be their date, she denied them all and hung out with the Weasley twins once again.

April 1st soon came, which was the Twins' birthday. They did a lot of pranks that day due to it being April fools, as well as the fact it was something that the twins enjoyed a lot. And although the Professors did not seem happy that they had got pranked, they seemed to stay quiet due to the boy's birthday.

Next was May 1st. Her birthday. Due to it being a holiday day, they did nothing but stay in the common room. They were meant to be revising for their exams. However, it didn't matter so they just chatted the day. Planning pranks and making supplies.

The year ended and once again they didn't get the cup, however they couldn't complain as it was a great year.

They went home, said goodbye and then seperated. Ready to see each other for the next year once again.

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