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Once they were back up into the castle, they were taken straight to Dumbledores office. Time to clean up slightly but not to see others. Harry and Ron were first to be seen but then she was invited in afterwards to speak to Dumbledore.

"Do you understand what you, your brother and Ron have done today, Miss Potter?" Dumbledore questioned.
"I am aware of what I have done and what I have allowed to happen today Professor. And with a bit of respect, I would also like to say I dont regret it. Without it, Ginny would be dead. And seeing as I see Ginny Weasley as my sister. I would not allow that. I would not let my friends deal with that Professor. And if you don't think I should have, then go ahead and expell me. It was worth it and if I had to do it again, I wouldn't change a thing." She explained.

"Miss Potter. You will not be expelled. While you did break many school rules. You did the right thing for your situation. And by doing so, it nearly cost you your life. Instead of a punishment, I would like to give you a reward for your noble acts today." Dumbledore explained.
"Thank you Professor... I appriciate it. Although I need no fancy rewards... I did what I did for my friends and my family. Not for myself." Iris told him.
"I am aware. And by that, it makes it even more noble." Dumbledore smiled slightly.

"I will still need to return to the Dursleys household during summer though... Wont I?" She asked.
"I'm afraid so Miss Potter. But you never know, things may change soon and you might not need to return. But for now, I believe a close friend of yours is waiting for you outside. He's been waiting for a while to speak with you.." Dumbledore smiled.
"Fred..." She spoke, her eyes widening.

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