2nd Task

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It took Iris a while, but she eventually found a spell which would allow her to breathe under water. Harry had said that he knew what the clue was, but he was going to go looking for something to help.

It was the night before. She was sat in the Common Room, cuddling with Fred on one of the many sofas.
Suddenly however Minerva walked inside.

"Mr Weasley. With me please." Minerva spoke.
"Huh? How come?" Fred asked.
"With me. Don't ask questions." Minerva stated.

She didn't see Fred for the whole night and then even in the whole morning too. She was infront of the lake waiting to jump in. Fred wasn't there still.

As soon as she heard the whistle, she instantly jumped into the water. She saw a few mermaids guarding people. So the moment she saw Fred, she rushed over and untied him, guiding him up to the surface.
The moment they did break surface he woke up and gasped for air. Clearly he had no idea what was going on. She swam with him to the board part. George helped them both out and wrapped them in towels. They were then moved away from near the water.

"This the second task?" Fred asked randomly. She nodded.
"Well that was entertaining." George smirked.

Fleur quit. But then Cedric came up with his partner. Closely followed by Krum with Hermione.
It was minutes later Harry came up with Fleurs sister and then Ron.

At the end of this, Iris was announced the winner of this round. Closely followed by 2nd place for Cedric. 3rd Place was apparently Harry for getting 2 people, not only one. And then 4th place was Krum. 5th place was Fleur who didn't actually finish and save her sister.

But once this was all over, they thankfully returned to their dorms. Iris and Fred cuddling in the Common Room.

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