Dursley Disaster

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When the Summer holidays did start, she was quickly notified about the Weasleys having won some reward and therefore had gone to Egypt. This meant she wouldn't be aloud to go to their house for most of the summer, and instead have to stay at home with the Dursleys..
Today was the day that Aunt Marge, Vernons sister, came round for dinner and to see Dudley. Aunt Marge didn't exactly like Iris, and therefore she remained upstairs in her bedroom, just simply reading.

Suddenly, Harry slammed open her door, he seemed to be panicked.
"We need to go... I messed up. Please Iris, grab your stuff for Hogwarts and let's go." Harry rushed.
"U-Uh okay?" She mumbled, quickly packing up everything that she needed for Hogwarts before following Harry outside into the hallway and down the stairs. She had no idea what was going on.

"You bring her back! You bring hr back now!" Vernon yelled, stopping infront of Harry. It was clear to her Harry had once again done something he  was REALLY not suppose to. "You put her right!" Vernon added.
"No! She deserved what she got." Harry told Vernon.

Vernon screamed and went to grab Harry, as if about to strangle him, but then Harry got out his wand like a complete idiot. Vernon of course however stepped back.

"Keep away from me." Harry spat.
"You can't do magic outside school." Vernon spoke.
"Yeah? Try me." Harry spoke, keeping his wand up facing his uncle.
"They won't let you back now." She looked over and saw Petunia and Dudley watching from the kitchen door. "You've no where to go." He added.
"I don't care. Anywhere is better than here." Harry spat.

And with that they rushed out of the house, to wherever Harry had decided to go.
"So, what did you do?" She asked.
"Turned Marge into a floating balloon." Harry simply answered.
"Good use for underage wizardry I guess." She shrugged.

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