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Minerva and Dumbledore did a bit of an announcement. About the third floor coridoor and about the Forbidden forest, since Fred and George had been seen trying to look into it the last year. Of course, they had gotten caught and therefore had received Detention as punishment. So it was technically a warning which was targeted to them both.

Finally, after Dumbledore had stopped talking, Minerva pulled out a longish sort of list, ready to start the sorting ceremony for the new First Years. Iris sat up, waiting for her brother's name to be said.

"When I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head... And you will be sorted into your houses." Minerva told the First years, holding up the sorting hat slightly so the students will be able to sit on the stool.

"Hermione Granger." Minerva spoke outloud, which was followed with a young girl with bushy hair, walking up to the stool. The hat was placed upon her head before it yelled out...
She and the Gryffindor table clapped, as well as some of the other houses. Clearly doing it out of pure respect. Hermione of course walked over to the table and Iris gently shook her hand, welcoming her before Percy then did so himself. Afterall, he was a prefect.

"Draco Malfoy." Minerva spoke and the boy from before walked up. The hat didn't even need to touch his head before it had made it's decision.
Of course, Slytherin house clapped and Draco walked over to it. Other houses clapped too, but obviously still out of respect.

"Ronald Weasley."
She watched as Percy, Fred and George all seemed to pipe up at this, clearly wanting to make sure that their baby brother followed the normal tradition of all Weasleys being in Gryffindor.
Thankfully, he got the same house as them. He walked over and sat down, clearly releaved he hadn't messed up by getting some other house.

"Harry Potter."
She rolled her eyes as the room went pitch silent. The same thing that happened 2 years back when she was being sorted. It made the whole experience more nerve wracking. So the fact everyone still did it, despite knowing it wasn't new, it kinda annoyed her. Harry didn't deserve the nerves.
But soon, as expected, the announcement she had been waiting for had been yelled out by the sorting hat.
Harry walked over and she gently hugged him before letting him take a seat beside Ron.

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