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It had been a few days since they had returned to Hogwarts. Classes seemed to be going very well.
Until one day she was interupted from class as Minerva stepped inside the potions room.

"Snape, may I borrow Potter please?" Minerva asked.
"I suppose." Snape shrugged, motioning to Iris to step outside with the Professor.

Iris got up and walked outside and instantly saw Harry stood looking somewhat nervous. She had a reason to believe he was in trouble.

"What did he do?" She questioned instantly.
"He did something he shouldn't have done during Flight practice today." Minerva explained simply.
"Harry... James.. Potter." She glared, looking over at him.
"I'm sorry... Draco grabbed Neville's rememberal, which he got from his nan so clearly it's important. And he threated and DID try throw it over the building onto the roof so that Neville couldn't grab it. So when he threw it I flew and grabbed it." Harry quickly explained.
"And did you get told not to fly?" She glared.
"Well..." He mumbled.
"Yes or no Harry. Yes or no. Don't try making more excuses for your actions." Iris told him, mad.
"Yes... I was told not to fly..." Harry sighed soft.
"When a teacher tells you not to do something, dont do it. And ask for Neville's rememberal, you could have said something when a Professor returned." She sighed soft. "I'm so disapointed in you at the moment, Harry... Couldn't even handle a month without getting yourself in trouble or caught?" She asked.
"I'm sorry... I won't do it again." Harry sighed and looked down.
"I hope so." She nodded.

"He's the new Quiditch player." Minerva piped in.
"Seeker?" Iris asked. MInerva nodded. "Good choice I quess." Iris shrugged and then returned back into Potions class.
"What happened?" Fred asked.
"Harry did something stupid, as per." She sighed.
"What did he do?" George piped in.
"I'll tell you later." She spoke.

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